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Co-overexpression of Hsp90-β and annexin A1 with a significantly positive correlation contributes to the diagnosis of lung cancer


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Aim: Hsp90-β and annexin A1 have been demonstrated to be associated with tumorigenesis. However, the effect of Hsp90-β and annexin A1 in lung cancer remains poorly understood. In this research, the correlation of Hsp90-β and annexin A1 in lung cancer patients were analyzed.Methods: The expression levels of Hsp90-β and annexin A1 were examined by immunohistochemistry and ELISA.Results: Lung cancer tissues and serum exhibited higher co-expression of Hsp90-β and annexin A1 than control groups (p < 0.05). Hsp90-β and annexin A1 could discriminate lung cancer from the control groups (sensitivity of Hsp90-β was 80.2% in tissues and 96% in serum; specificity of Hsp90-β was 80% in tissues and 83.33% in serum; sensitivity of annexin A1 was 68.76% in tissues and 95.23% in serum; specificity of annexin A1 was 75% in tissues and 85.7% in serum) and multi-index combined detection had a better diagnostic value.Conclusion: The expression levels of Hsp90-β and annexin A1 positively correlated and such co-overexpression of Hsp90-β and annexin A1 contributed to lung cancer diagnosis.
机译:目的:已经证明Hsp90-β和膜联蛋白A1与肿瘤发生有关。但是,Hsp90-β和膜联蛋白A1在肺癌中的作用仍然知之甚少。方法:采用免疫组织化学和ELISA法检测肺癌组织中Hsp90-β和膜联蛋白A1的表达水平。结果:肺癌组织和血清共表达较高。 Hsp90-β和膜联蛋白A1的表达高于对照组(p <0.05)。 Hsp90-β和膜联蛋白A1可以将肺癌与对照组区分开(Hsp90-β在组织中的敏感性为80.2%,在血清中为96%;Hsp90-β在组织中的特异性为80%,在血清中为83.33%;膜联蛋白的敏感性组织中A1在组织中的表达为68.76%,在血清中为95.23%;膜联蛋白A1在组织中的特异性为75%,在血清中为85.7%),多指标联合检测具有较好的诊断价值。 A1正相关,Hsp90-β和膜联蛋白A1的这种共过量表达有助于肺癌的诊断。



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