首页> 外文期刊>Evolution: International Journal of Organic Evolution >Evolution of static allometries: Adaptive change in allometric slopes of eye span in stalk-eyed flies

Evolution of static allometries: Adaptive change in allometric slopes of eye span in stalk-eyed flies


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Julian Huxley showed that within-species (static) allometric (power-law) relations can arise from proportional growth regulation with the exponent in the power law equaling the factor of proportionality. Allometric exponents may therefore be hard to change and act as constraints on the independent evolution of traits. In apparent contradiction to this, many empirical studies have concluded that static allometries are evolvable. Many of these studies have been based, however, on a broad definition of allometry that includes any monotonic shape change with size, and do not falsify the hypothesis of constrained narrow-sense allometry. Here, we present the first phylogenetic comparative study of narrow-sense allometric exponents based on a reanalysis of data on eye span and body size in stalk-eyed flies (Diopsidae). Consistent with a role in sexual selection, we found strong evidence that male slopes were tracking "optima" based on sexual dimorphism and relative male trait size. This tracking was slow, however, with estimated times of 2-3 million years for adaptation to exceed ancestral influence on the trait. Our results are therefore consistent with adaptive evolution on million-year time scales, but cannot rule out that static allometry may act as a constraint on eye-span adaptation at shorter time scales.
机译:朱利安·赫x黎(Julian Huxley)指出,种内(静态)异速异度(幂律)关系可以从比例增长调节中产生,幂律中的指数等于比例因子。因此,异速指数可能很难改变,并成为性状独立进化的约束。与之明显矛盾的是,许多经验研究得出的结论是静态异形体是可演化的。但是,这些研究中的许多研究都是基于异速测量法的广泛定义的,该定义包括随尺寸的任何单调形状变化,并且并未伪造受约束的狭义异速测量法的假设。在这里,我们基于对有眼蝇(Diopsidae)的眼跨度和体型数据的重新分析,提出了第一个狭义的异速指数的系统发育比较研究。与性别选择中的作用一致,我们发现有力的证据表明,男性斜坡根据性二态性和相对男性性状大小追踪“最佳”状态。然而,这种追踪很慢,估计需要2-3百万年的时间才能适应超过祖先对该特征的影响。因此,我们的结果与百万年时间尺度上的适应性进化是一致的,但不能排除静态异速测量法可能会在较短的时间尺度上对眼跨适应性产生限制。



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