首页> 外文期刊>European journal of human genetics: EJHG >Disruption of the ATP8A2 gene in a patient with a t(10;13) de novo balanced translocation and a severe neurological phenotype.

Disruption of the ATP8A2 gene in a patient with a t(10;13) de novo balanced translocation and a severe neurological phenotype.

机译:患有t(10; 13)从头平衡易位和严重神经系统表型的患者体内ATP8A2基因的破坏。

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Mental retardation is a frequent condition that is clinically and genetically highly heterogeneous. One of the strategies used to identify new causative genes is to take advantage of balanced chromosomal rearrangements in affected patients. We characterized a de novo t(10;13) balanced translocation in a patient with severe mental retardation and major hypotonia. We found that the balanced translocation is molecularly balanced. The translocation breakpoint disrupts the coding sequence of a single gene, called ATP8A2. The ATP8A2 gene is not ubiquitously expressed, but it is highly expressed in the brain. In situ hybridization performed in mouse embryos at different stages of development with the mouse homologue confirms this observation. A total of 38 patients with a similar phenotype were screened for mutations in the ATP8A2 gene but no mutations were found. The balanced translocation identified in this patient disrupts a single candidate gene highly expressed in the brain. Although this chromosomal rearrangement could be the cause of the severe phenotype of the patient, we were not able to identify additional cases. Extensive screening in the mentally retarded population will be needed to determine if ATP8A2 haploinsufficiency or dysfunction causes a neurological phenotype in humans.
机译:智力低下是临床和遗传上高度异质的常见病。用来鉴定新的致病基因的策略之一是在受影响的患者中利用平衡的染色体重排。我们的特点是重度智力低下和严重低渗的患者从新(10; 13)平衡易位。我们发现平衡易位是分子平衡的。易位转折点破坏了单个基因ATP8A2的编码序列。 ATP8A2基因并非普遍表达,但在大脑中高度表达。在小鼠胚胎的不同发育阶段与小鼠同源物进行的原位杂交证实了这一观察结果。筛选了38位具有相似表型的患者的ATP8A2基因突变,但未发现突变。在该患者中鉴定出的平衡易位破坏了脑中高表达的单个候选基因。尽管这种染色体重排可能是患者严重表型的原因,但我们无法确定其他病例。需要对弱智人群进行广泛的筛查,以确定ATP8A2单倍功能不足或功能障碍是否会导致人类的神经表型。



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