首页> 外文期刊>European child & adolescent psychiatry >The prevalence of transitional object use in adolescence: is there a connection between the existence of a transitional object and depressive symptoms?

The prevalence of transitional object use in adolescence: is there a connection between the existence of a transitional object and depressive symptoms?


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study was to investigate the prevalence of the use of a transitional object (TO) in adolescence and its connection with depressive symptoms and mental distress in youth by gender. METHOD: The study group consisted of 1,054 adolescents (465 boys, 589 girls) from normal comprehensive schools in Turku, a Finnish town with approximately 175,000 inhabitants. The mean age of both gender groups was 14.5 years (SD 0.5); respondents came from all social classes. Background and TO information was collected with questionnaires. Depressive symptoms and mental distress were explored by the children's depression inventory (CDI) and its subscales: low self-confidence, anhedonia and sadness. RESULTS: Of all respondents, 29% (n = 285) had a TO: 37% of girls and 18% of boys. The difference between genders was statistically significant. There was also a statistically significant gender difference in the character of the TO reported: 72 % of girls with a TO had a soft toy, whereas 49% of boys with a TO used hard objects, such as pens, hard toys or books. TO-users showed more depressive symptoms than non-users, but the difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.053). Significant differences were found in the CDI subscales: TO-users had more sadness than non-users and girls using a TO showed more sadness than non-using girls. TO-using boys did not differ from non-using boys with regard to sadness or the other CDI-subscales. CONCLUSIONS: The use of a TO seems to be common in adolescence. Adolescents with more depressive symptoms more often used a TO. The sadness of girls using TOs requires attention.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是调查青春期使用过渡物体(TO)的普遍性,以及其与按性别分列的年轻人的抑郁症状和精神困扰的联系。方法:研究组由来自芬兰图尔库(Turku)的普通综合学校的1,054名青少年(465名男孩,589名女孩)组成,该镇大约有175,000居民。两个性别组的平均年龄为14.5岁(SD 0.5);受访者来自所有社会阶层。背景和TO信息通过问卷调查收集。通过儿童的抑郁量表(CDI)及其以下量表来探讨抑郁症状和精神困扰:低自信心,快感不足和悲伤。结果:在所有受访者中,有29%(n = 285)的TO:37%的女孩和18%的男孩。性别之间的差异具有统计学意义。报告的TO的特征在性别上也有统计学上的显着差异:拥有TO的女孩中有72%拥有毛绒玩具,而拥有TO的男孩中49%的男孩使用了硬物,例如笔,硬玩具或书籍。 TO使用者表现出比非使用者更多的抑郁症状,但差异无统计学意义(P = 0.053)。在CDI子量表中发现了显着差异:TO用户比非用户感到更多的悲伤,使用TO的女孩比不使用的女孩表现出更多的悲伤。在悲伤或其他CDI分量表方面,使用TO的男孩与未使用的男孩没有区别。结论:TO在青春期似乎很常见。抑郁症状更严重的青少年更常使用TO。使用TOs的女孩的悲伤需要引起注意。



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