首页> 外文期刊>European journal of cancer prevention: The official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation (ECP) >The maternal womb: a novel target for cancer prevention in the era of the obesity pandemic?

The maternal womb: a novel target for cancer prevention in the era of the obesity pandemic?


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The dramatic rise in worldwide prevalence of obesity has necessitated the search for more efficacious antiobesity strategies to counter the increased cancer risks in overweight and obese individuals. The mechanistic pathways linking obesity status with adult chronic diseases such as cancer remain incompletely understood. A growing body of evidence suggests that novel approaches and interventional agents to disrupt the feed-forward cycle of maternal to offspring obesity transfer that is initiated in utero will be important for stemming both the obesity pandemic and the associated increase in cancer incidence. The convergence of multiple research areas including those encompassing the insulin and insulin-like growth factor systems, epigenetics, and stem cell biology is providing insights into the potential for cancer prevention in adult offspring previously exposed to the intrauterine environment of overweight/obese mothers. Here, we review the current state of this nascent research field, with a focus on three major cancers, namely breast, colorectal, and liver, and suggest some possible future directions to optimize its impact for the health of future generations.



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