首页> 外文期刊>European journal of cancer care >Tumour marker prescriptions for cancer screening in the Hellenic primary care.

Tumour marker prescriptions for cancer screening in the Hellenic primary care.


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Tumour markers are neither sensitive nor specific enough for cancer screening. Despite established guidelines, tumour marker 'screening myth' may be alive among physicians, but no study has analysed the phenomenon. This study aims to investigate tumour marker recommendation for screening purposes in primary care setting. A total of 209 Hellenic physicians were surveyed for screening activities by a multiple-choice questionnaire. Data were abstracted for the following tumour marker recommendations: carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA); cancer antigens 19.9, 125 and 15.3; alpha-fetoprotein and beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-HCG). A high rate of physicians advocate that tumour markers in cancer screening (range from 24% for beta-HCG to 46% for CEA).This phenomenon is not related to age, sex, type and level of physicians' specialization. In conclusion, many physicians recommend tumour markers for screening purposes. This may be harmful, since their prescriptions unnecessarily burden health economics, and further evaluation of false-positive findings might be associated with increased costs and risk from additional diagnostic/therapeutic interventions.
机译:肿瘤标志物既不灵敏也不特异性不足以进行癌症筛查。尽管制定了指导方针,但肿瘤标记物“筛查神话”在医生中可能还活着,但尚无研究分析此现象。这项研究旨在调查肿瘤标志物推荐以用于初级保健机构的筛查目的。通过多项选择问卷调查了总共209名希腊医生的筛查活动。提取以下肿瘤标志物建议的数据:癌胚抗原(CEA);癌抗原19.9、125和15.3; α-甲胎蛋白和β-人绒毛膜促性腺激素(β-HCG)。极高的医生主张在癌症筛查中使用肿瘤标志物(从β-HCG的24%到CEA的46%不等)。这种现象与医生的年龄,性别,类型和专业水平无关。总之,许多医生推荐肿瘤标志物用于筛查。这可能是有害的,因为他们的处方不必要地给健康带来负担,并且对假阳性结果的进一步评估可能与额外的诊断/治疗干预措施增加了成本和风险。



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