首页> 外文期刊>European journal of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases: Official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology >Comparison of European and U.S. results for cephalosporin versus penicillin treatment of group A streptococcal tonsillopharyngitis.

Comparison of European and U.S. results for cephalosporin versus penicillin treatment of group A streptococcal tonsillopharyngitis.


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The outcome of cephalosporin versus penicillin treatment of group A streptococcal tonsillopharyngitis may differ between Europe and the USA. In the present study, Medline, Embase, reference lists, and abstract searches were used to identify randomized, controlled trials of cephalosporin versus penicillin treatment of group A streptococcal (GAS) tonsillopharyngitis. The outcomes of interest were bacteriologic and clinical cure rates from investigations conducted in Europe versus those conducted in the USA. Forty-seven trials involving 11,426 patients were included in the meta-analyses. For the comparison of 10 days of treatment with cephalosporins versus 10 days of treatment with penicillin, there were ten European and 25 U.S. trials, all involving pediatric subjects. The overall odds ratio (OR) favored cephalosporins more strongly in bacteriologic cure rate in Europe (OR=4.27, p<0.00001) than in the USA (OR=2.70, p<0.00001). Studies of 4-5 days of cephalosporin treatment versus 10 days of penicillin treatment were also analyzed. For nine European trials, the OR significantly favored cephalosporins (OR=1.30, p=0.03) in bacteriologic cure rates, but not as strongly as in the USA, (OR=2.41, p<0.00001). When results for 4-5 days of cephalosporin treatment were divided into pediatric versus adult populations, the differences in bacteriologic eradication rates obtained with cephalosporins were more pronounced in children. The likelihood of bacteriologic and clinical failure of GAS tonsillopharyngitis treatment in both European and U.S. patients is significantly less if a 10-day course of oral cephalosporin is prescribed, and is at least similar, if not significantly less, with a 4- to 5-day course of oral cephalosporin compared with a 10-day course of oral penicillin.
机译:欧洲和美国之间,头孢菌素与青霉素治疗A组链球菌扁桃体咽喉炎的结果可能有所不同。在本研究中,使用Medline,Embase,参考文献列表和摘要搜索来确定头孢菌素与青霉素治疗A组链球菌(GAS)扁桃体咽喉炎的随机对照试验。感兴趣的结果是在欧洲进行的研究与在美国进行的研究相比,其细菌学和临床治愈率。荟萃分析包括47项试验,涉及11,426名患者。为了比较头孢菌素治疗10天与青霉素治疗10天的比较,进行了10项欧洲和25项美国试验,所有试验均涉及儿科受试者。在欧洲(OR = 4.27,p <0.00001),总体比值比(OR)比美国(OR = 2.70,p <0.00001)更有利于头孢菌素。还对头孢菌素治疗4-5天与青霉素治疗10天的研究进行了分析。在9项欧洲试验中,OR的细菌治愈率显着偏重头孢菌素(OR = 1.30,p = 0.03),但不如美国强(OR = 2.41,p <0.00001)。将头孢菌素治疗的4-5天结果分为儿童人群和成人人群时,儿童头孢菌素获得的细菌根除率差异更明显。如果开具10天的口服头孢菌素处方,则在欧洲和美国患者中GAS扁桃体咽炎治疗的细菌学和临床失败的可能性显着降低,并且如果不显着降低,则至少有4至5种相似或相似的情况。口服头孢菌素的每日疗程与口服青霉素的10天疗程相比。



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