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Honey, the way I get rid of it


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I have always loved beekeeping. Assembling equipment, installing packages, requeening, hiving swarms, worrying about mites, and processing the honey crop are aspects of beekeeping that I have always enjoyed. However, I must confess that a major partof beekeeping that has not interested me is marketing honey. I don't feel like a beekeeper when I am trying to determine what style of jar in which to bottle my honey or how to pack candles so they won't scuff when handled. These tasks, and all the others like them, have nothing to do with beekeeping per se but someone must do them if honey is to be sold. (I know. I know. These tasks really are a part of beekeeping, but they don't feel like beekeeping to me. They feel like marketing.)
机译:我一直很喜欢养蜂。我一直很喜欢养蜂,其中包括组装设备,安装包装,重新整理,蜂群繁殖,为螨虫担心和加工蜂蜜。但是,我必须承认,养蜂业中对我不感兴趣的主要部分是销售蜂蜜。当我试图确定将蜂蜜装在哪种罐子中或如何包装蜡烛时,我不会像养蜂人那样,以便在处理时不会磨损。这些任务,以及所有其他类似的任务,与养蜂本身无关,但是如果要出售蜂蜜,则必须由别人来完成。 (我知道。我知道。这些任务确实是养蜂业的一部分,但对我来说它们并不像养蜂业。它们就像是营销。)



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