首页> 外文期刊>Ethology >Changes in Ambient Temperature Trigger Yawning But Not Stretching in Rats

Changes in Ambient Temperature Trigger Yawning But Not Stretching in Rats


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Yawning appears to be involved in arousal, state change, and activity across vertebrates. Recent research suggests that yawning may support effective changes in mental state or vigilance through cerebral cooling. To further investigate the relationship between yawning, state change, and thermoregulation, 12 Sprague-Dawley rats (Rattus norvegicus) were exposed to a total of 2 h of ambient temperature manipulation over a period of 48 h. Using a repeated measures design, each rat experienced a range of increasing (22 degrees C -> 32 degrees C), decreasing (32 degrees C -> 22 degrees C), and constant temperatures (22 degrees C; 32 degrees C). Yawning and locomotor activity occurred most frequently during initial changes in temperature, irrespective of direction, compared to more extended periods of temperature manipulation. The rate of yawning also diminished during constant high temperatures (32 degrees C) compared to low temperatures (22 degrees C). Unlike yawning, however, stretching was unaffected by ambient temperature variation. These findings are compared to recent work on budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus), and the ecological selective pressures for yawning in challenging thermal environments are discussed. The results support previous comparative research connecting yawning with arousal and state change, and contribute to refining the predictions of the thermoregulatory hypothesis across vertebrates.
机译:打哈欠似乎与引起脊椎动物的状态变化和活动有关。最近的研究表明,打哈欠可以通过脑部冷却来支持精神状态或警觉性的有效变化。为了进一步研究打哈欠,状态变化和体温调节之间的关系,在48小时内,将12只Sprague-Dawley大鼠(Rattus norvegicus)暴露于总共2 h的环境温度操作中。使用重复测量设计,每只大鼠经历了升高(22摄氏度-> 32摄氏度),降低(32摄氏度-> 22摄氏度)和恒定温度(22摄氏度; 32摄氏度)的范围。与更长时间的温度操纵相比,在初始温度变化期间,无论方向如何,打哈欠和运动活动最频繁。与低温(22摄氏度)相比,恒定高温(32摄氏度)下的打哈欠率也有所降低。与打哈欠不同,拉伸不受环境温度变化的影响。将这些发现与最近关于虎皮鹦鹉(Melopsittacus undulatus)的工作进行了比较,并讨论了在具有挑战性的热环境中打哈欠的生态选择压力。这些结果支持以前的比较研究,将打哈欠与唤醒和状态变化联系起来,并有助于完善脊椎动物的体温调节假设的预测。



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