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Evaluation of carisbamate, a novel antiepileptic drug, in photosensitive patients: an exploratory, placebo-controlled study.


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PURPOSE: Carisbamate, a novel neuromodulatory agent with antiepileptic properties, was evaluated in patients with photoparoxysmal responses to intermittent photic stimulation (IPS) in this multicenter, non-randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled, proof-of-concept study. METHODS: Eighteen Caucasian patients (14 females, 4 males) with a mean age of 30 years (range: 16-51 years) underwent standardized IPS under three eye conditions (during eye closure, eyes closed and eyes open) at hourly intervals for up to 8h after receiving placebo (Day 1), carisbamate (Day 2) and placebo (Day 3). Carisbamate was given at single doses of 250-1000 mg. All patients received one or two concomitant antiepileptic drugs, most commonly valproate. RESULTS: Carisbamate produced a dose-dependent reduction in photosensitivity in the 13 evaluable patients, with abolishment of photoparoxysmal responses in 3 patients and clinically significant suppression of such responses in 7 additional patients. Photosensitivity was abolished or reduced in all five patients in the 1000-mg dose group. The onset of carisbamate occurred rapidly, with clinically significant suppression achieved before or near the time peak plasma drug levels were reached. The duration of action was dose-related and long-lasting, with clinically significant reductions of photosensitivity observed for up to 32 h after doses of 750 or 1000 mg. Carisbamate was generally well tolerated, with dizziness and nausea reported more frequently after active drug than placebo. CONCLUSION: This study shows that carisbamate exhibits dose-related antiepileptic effects in the photosensitivity model. Randomized, controlled studies of carisbamate in epilepsy patients inadequately controlled by their existing AED therapy are warranted.
机译:目的:在这项多中心,非随机,单盲,安慰剂对照,概念验证的研究中,对具有间歇性光刺激(IPS)的光阵发性反应的患者评估了具有抗癫痫特性的新型神经调节剂Carisbamate。方法:平均年龄为30岁(范围:16-51岁)的18位高加索患者(14位女性,4位男性)在三种眼条件下(闭眼,闭眼和睁眼)每小时接受一次标准IPS接受安慰剂(第1天),卡里斯巴马特(第2天)和安慰剂(第3天)至8小时。 Carisbamate的剂量为250-1000 mg。所有患者均接受一两种抗癫痫药,最常用的是丙戊酸。结果:Carisbamate使13例可评估患者的光敏性呈剂量依赖性降低,其中3例患者取消了光阵发反应,另外7例患者临床上显着抑制了这种反应。在1000 mg剂量组中的所有五名患者中,光敏性均已消除或降低。 Carisbamate的发作迅速发生,在达到血浆药物峰值水平之前或附近达到了临床上显着的抑制作用。作用的持续时间与剂量有关并且是持久的,在剂量为750或1000 mg后长达32小时内,在临床上可观察到光敏性的显着降低。一般而言,对Carisbamate的耐受性良好,与安慰剂相比,服用活性药物后头晕和恶心的报道频率更高。结论:这项研究表明,在光敏性模型中,carisbamate具有剂量相关的抗癫痫作用。在癫痫患者中,对其现有的AED治疗控制不充分的氨基甲酸酯的随机对照研究是必要的。



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