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Photoreduction of Hg(II) and photodemethylation of methylmercury: the key role of thiol sites on dissolved organic matter


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This study examined the kinetics of photoreduction of Hg(II) and photodemethylation of methylmercury (MeHg+) attached to, or in the presence of, dissolved organic matter (DOM). Both Hg(II) and MeHg+ are principally bound to reduced sulfur groups associated with DOM in many freshwater systems. We propose that a direct photolysis mechanism is plausible for reduction of Hg(II) bound to reduced sulfur groups on DOM while an indirect mechanism is supported for photodemethylation of MeHg+ bound to DOM. UV spectra of Hg(II) and MeHg+ bound to thiol containing molecules demonstrate that the Hg(II)-S bond is capable of absorbing UV-light in the solar spectrum to a much greater extent than MeHg+-S bonds. Experiments with chemically distinct DOM isolates suggest that concentration of DOM matters little in the photochemistry if there are enough reduced S sites present to strongly bind MeHg+ and Hg(II); DOM concentration does not play a prominent role in photodemethylation other than to screen light, which was demonstrated in a field experiment in the highly colored St. Louis River where photodemethylation was not observed at depths >= 10 cm. Experiments with thiol ligands yielded slower photodegradation rates for MeHg+ than in experiments with DOM and thiols; rates in the presence of DOM alone were the fastest supporting an intra-DOM mechanism. Hg(II) photoreduction rates, however, were similar in experiments with only DOM, thiols plus DOM, or only thiols suggesting a direct photolysis mechanism. Quenching experiments also support the existence of an intra-DOM photodemethylation mechanism for MeHg+. Utilizing the difference in photodemethylation rates measured for MeHg+ attached to DOM or thiol ligands, the binding constant for MeHg+ attached to thiol groups on DOM was estimated to be 1016.7.
机译:这项研究检查了Hg(II)的光还原动力学和附着在或存在溶解有机物(DOM)的甲基汞(MeHg +)的光脱甲基化反应。 Hg(II)和MeHg +都主要与许多淡水系统中与DOM相关的还原硫基团结合。我们提出,直接光解机制对于减少与DOM上还原的硫基结合的Hg(II)似乎是可行的,而间接机制则支持与DOM结合的MeHg +的光脱甲基化。与含硫醇分子结合的Hg(II)和MeHg +的UV光谱表明,Hg(II)-S键比MeHg + -S键能够吸收太阳光谱中的紫外线。化学上不同的DOM分离物的实验表明,如果存在足够减少的S位点以牢固结合MeHg +和Hg(II),则DOM的浓度对光化学影响不大。 DOM浓度除了遮挡光以外,在光脱甲基化中不发挥重要作用,这是在色彩浓郁的圣路易斯河的田间实验中证实的,在深度大于10 cm的地方未观察到光脱甲基化。使用硫醇配体进行的实验产生的MeHg +的光降解速率比使用DOM和硫醇进行的实验要慢。仅在存在DOM的情况下,速率是支持DOM内部机制的最快方法。但是,在仅使用DOM,硫醇加DOM或仅建议直接光解机理的硫醇的实验中,Hg(II)的光还原速率相似。淬火实验还支持MeHg +的DOM内部光脱甲基化机制的存在。利用对连接至DOM或Mehg +的MeHg +测得的光脱甲基化速率的差异,估算连接至DOM上硫醇基的MeHg +的结合常数为1016.7。



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