首页> 外文期刊>Biochimica et biophysica acta. Biomembranes >Photodynamic activation of ion transport through lipid membranes and its correlation with an increased dielectric constant of the membrane

Photodynamic activation of ion transport through lipid membranes and its correlation with an increased dielectric constant of the membrane


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Illumination of biological membranes with visible light in the presence of membrane-active sensitizers (e.g. rose bengal) is known to inactivate transport proteins such as ion channels and ion pumps. In some cases, however, illumination gives rise to an activation of transport. This is shown here for ion channels formed by alamethicin in lipid membranes, and for porin channels, which were isolated from the outer membrane of E. coli (OmpC) and from the outer membrane of mitochondria (VDAC) and were reconstituted in lipid membranes. An activation (in the form of an increased conductance) was also observed in the presence of the cation carriers valinomycin and nonactin. The activation phenomena were only present, if the membranes were made from lipids containing unsaturated double bonds. Activation was reduced in the presence of the antioxidant vitamin E. We suggest that the activation of the different transport systems has a common physical basis, namely an increase of the dielectric constant, ε_m, of the membrane interior by the presence of polar oxidation products of photodynamically induced lipid peroxidation. Experimental evidence for an enhanced dielectric constant was obtained from the finding of a light-induced increase of the membrane capacitance in the presence of rose bengal.



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