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World Health Organization increases its drinking-water guideline for uranium


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The World Health Organization (WHO) released the fourth edition of Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality in July, 2011. In this edition, the drinking-water guideline for uranium (U) was increased to 30 μg L~(-1) despite the conclusion that "deriving a guideline value for uranium in drinking-water is complex, because the data [from exposures to humans] do not provide a clear no-effect concentration" and "Although some minor biochemical changes associated with kidney function have been reported to be correlated with uranium exposure at concentrations below 30 μ L~(-1) these findings are not consistent between studies" (WHO, Uranium in Drinking-water, Background document for development of WHO Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality, available: http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/dwq/ chemicals/uranium_forcomment_20110211_en.pdf, accessed 13 October 2011). This paper reviews the WHO drinking-water guideline for U, from its introduction as a 2 μg L~(-1) health-based guideline in 1998 through its increase to a 30 μg L~(-1) health-based guideline in 2011. The current 30 μg L~(-1) WHO health-based drinking-water guideline was calculated using a "no-effect group" with "no evidence of renal damage [in humans] from 10 renal toxicity indicators". However, this nominal "no-effect group" was associated with increased diastolic blood pressure, systolic blood pressure, and glucose excretion in urine. In addition, the current 30 μg L~(-1) guideline may not protect children, people with predispositions to hypertension or osteoporosis, pre-existing chronic kidney disease, and anyone with a long exposure. The toxic effects of U in drinking water on laboratory animals and humans justify a re-evaluation by the WHO of its decision to increase its U drinking-water guideline.
机译:世界卫生组织(WHO)于2011年7月发布了第四版《饮用水水质准则》。尽管该准则已将铀的饮用水准则(U)增加到30μgL〜(-1),结论为“得出饮用水中铀的指导​​值很复杂,因为[从人类暴露中得到的数据不能提供明确的无效浓度”。”“尽管据报道与肾脏功能有关的一些轻微生化变化与低于30μL〜(-1)浓度的铀暴露相关,这些发现在研究之间并不一致”(WHO,饮用水中的铀,WHO饮用水质量准则制定的背景文件,网址:http: //www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/dwq/chemicals/uranium_forcomment_20110211_en.pdf,2011年10月13日访问)。本文回顾了WHO的U饮用水准则,从1998年以2μgL〜(-1)健康为基础的指南引入到2011年将其增加为30μgL〜(-1)健康为基础的指南。目前的30μgL〜(-1)世卫组织基于健康的饮用水准则是使用“无影响组”计算出来的,“没有从10个肾脏毒性指标中发现[人类]肾损害的证据”。但是,这个名义上的“无效组”与舒张压,收缩压和尿液中葡萄糖排泄增加有关。此外,当前的30μgL〜(-1)指南可能无法保护儿童,易患高血压或骨质疏松症的人,已存在的慢性肾脏病以及长时间接触的人。饮用水中的铀对实验动物和人类的毒性作用证明,世卫组织重新评估了增加其饮用水标准的决定。



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