首页> 外文期刊>Biochimica et biophysica acta. Biomembranes >Identification of antitumor sulfonylurea binding proteins of HeLa plasma membranes

Identification of antitumor sulfonylurea binding proteins of HeLa plasma membranes


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Plasma membranes of cultured HeLa S cells bound the tritiated antitumor sulfonylurea [3H]LY181984 with high affinity (Kd of about 25 nM). The number of binding sites, estimated to represent 30 to 35 pmol/mg protein, would represent a low abundance protein of the total plasma membrane proteins. The binding proteins appeared to contain one or more thiols in the binding site as high affinity binding of [3H]LY181984 was reduced by treatment with the covalent thiol blocking reagent, N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), or by oxidation with dilute hydrogen peroxide but was protected by glutathione or dithiothreitol. Elimination of binding of [3H]LY181984 by NEM was prevented by excess unlabeled LY181984 (an active sulfonylurea) but less so by excess LY181985 (an inactive sulfonylurea). The binding proteins were specifically labeled with thiol reagents following reaction of unprotected thiols with unlabeled thiol reagents. Binding proteins at ca. 34 kDa were labeled. Plasma membrane proteins after solubilization with SDS under strongly reducing conditions still bound sulfonylurea. [3H]LY181984 binding to plasma membrane proteins resolved on SDS-PAGE correlated as well with proteins in the 30–40 kDa range.
机译:培养的HeLa S细胞的质膜与affinity化的抗肿瘤磺酰脲[3H] LY181984具有高亲和力(Kd约为25 nM)。结合位点的数量估计代表30至35 pmol / mg蛋白,将代表总质膜蛋白中的低丰度蛋白。结合蛋白似乎在结合位点包含一个或多个硫醇,因为通过使用共价硫醇封闭剂N-乙基马来酰亚胺(NEM)处理或通过稀双氧水氧化可降低[3H] LY181984的高亲和力结合,但由谷胱甘肽或二硫苏糖醇保护。过量的未标记的LY181984(一种活性磺酰脲)可防止NEM消除[3H] LY181984的结合,而过量的LY181985(一种无活性的磺酰脲)则可以防止这种结合。在未保护的硫醇与未标记的硫醇试剂反应之后,用硫醇试剂特异性标记结合蛋白。结合蛋白在约。标记了34 kDa。在强烈还原条件下用SDS溶解后的质膜蛋白仍与磺酰脲结合。 [3H] LY181984与SDS-PAGE上解析的质膜蛋白的结合也与30–40 kDa范围内的蛋白相关。



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