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Onshore wind for Northamptonshire, Scotland tower manufacturing


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US-based GE is supplying turbines to two new wind farms in central England; the company has supplied the Chelveston wind farm in Northamptonshire with nine 2.85 MW wind turbines and will deliver nine 1.6 MW wind turbines to the Burton Wold wind farm extension in Kettering, around 15 miles away. The Chelveston wind farm, part of the Chelveston Renewable Energy Park, was commissioned in September and entered full operation in October. The site was formerly a Ministry of Defense bomber base throughout World War II later a radio-mast transmitter site until 2005. The renewable energy park will also contain biomass plants, biofuel generators and solar photovoltaic arrays.
机译:总部位于美国的通用电气正在为英格兰中部的两个新风电场提供涡轮机。该公司已为北安普敦郡的切尔维斯顿风电场提供了9台2.85 MW风力发电机,并将向15英里外的凯特林的Burton Wold风力发电场扩建厂提供9台1.6 MW风力发电机。切尔维斯顿可再生能源公园的一部分,切尔维斯顿风电场已于9月投入使用,并于10月开始全面运营。该地点以前是整个第二次世界大战期间的国防部轰炸机基地,后来一直是直到2005年的无线电桅杆发射器地点。可再生能源园区还将包含生物质电厂,生物燃料发电机和太阳能光伏阵列。



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