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Impedance spectroscopic investigation of the interactions between phosphatidylethanolamine and α-tocopherol in bilayer membranes


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Electric capacity and electric conductance of lipid membranes composed of phosphatidylethanolamine and a-tocopherol were determined by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. These components were chosen for the study because they are present in biological membranes and they fulfill essential functions in lively organisms. A domain structures appear as a result of phosphatidylethanolamine-a-tocopherol membrane formation. Formation of the domains can explain the deviation from the additivity rule. This equilibrium was described by mathematical equations and was further verified experimentally. Based on the derived equations, the surface area of domain was calculated; it amounts to 320 A2. This value is consistent, taking into consideration ordering and condensation effects of a-tocopherol on the phosphatidylethanolamine, with a stoichiometry of such a domain equal to 4:1.
机译:通过电化学阻抗谱测定由磷脂酰乙醇胺和α-生育酚组成的脂质膜的电容量和电导率。选择这些成分进行研究是因为它们存在于生物膜中,并且在活泼的生物体中具有基本功能。由于磷脂酰乙醇胺-α-生育酚膜的形成而出现域结构。域的形成可以解释与可加性规则的偏离。该平衡由数学方程式描述,并通过实验进一步验证。根据推导的方程,计算区域的表面积。总计为320 A2。考虑到α-生育酚对磷脂酰乙醇胺的有序和缩合作用,该值是一致的,化学计量的这种结构域等于4:1。



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