首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms >Comparative growth characteristics and yield attributes of Lingzhi or Reishi medicinal mushroom, Ganoderma lucidum (higher Basidiomycetes) on different substrates in India.

Comparative growth characteristics and yield attributes of Lingzhi or Reishi medicinal mushroom, Ganoderma lucidum (higher Basidiomycetes) on different substrates in India.


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The present study investigated the effects of four forestry byproducts (sawdust of oak, mango, khair, and tuni) and three agricultural residues (paddy straw, wheat straw, and soybean waste) along with four supplements (wheat bran, rice bran, corn flour, and gram powder) on growth characteristics (spawn run and primordial formation) and yield of Ganoderma lucidum. There were significant differences (P=0.05) in yield regardless of substrates and supplements used in experimentation. Among substrates, agriculture residues supported better yield and biological efficiency of G. lucidum compared to forestry byproducts irrespective of the supplements. The highest yield (82.5 g) and biological efficiency (27.5%) were recorded from paddy straw supplemented with wheat bran, which invariably resulted in significantly higher yield compared to the unsupplemented check(s) or other supplements used in this study.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1615/IntJMedMushr.v15.i5.70
机译:本研究调查了四种林业副产品(橡木,芒果,牛毛和突尼斯的木屑)和三种农业残留物(稻草,小麦秸秆和大豆废料)以及四种补品(麦麸,米糠,玉米粉)的影响。和克粉)对灵芝生长特性(产卵运行和原始形成)和产量的影响。不管实验中使用的底物和添加物如何,产量都有显着差异(P = 0.05)。在底物中,与林业副产品相比,不论添加何种补充剂,农业残留物都支持灵芝的更好的产量和生物效率。从补充麦麸的稻草中获得最高产量(82.5 g)和生物学效率(27.5%),与本研究中使用的未补充支票或其他补充品相比,这总是导致产量显着提高。 http://dx.doi.org/10.1615/IntJMedMushr.v15.i5.70



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