首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology >Exposure of the frog Rana ridibunda to copper: Impact on two biomarkers, lipid peroxidation, and glutathione

Exposure of the frog Rana ridibunda to copper: Impact on two biomarkers, lipid peroxidation, and glutathione

机译:青蛙蛙蛙(Rana ridibunda)暴露于铜:对两种生物标记物(脂质过氧化和谷胱甘肽)的影响

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Copper (Cu) is an essential trace element and it is not a potent liver toxin except in certain cases of genetic defects resulting in the inability to excrete Cu. However very high Cu intake can result in liver damage (Stemleib 1980). The effects ofthe metal overload prompted research into the mechanisms of its toxicity. When in excess "free" Cu can catalyse the production of the highly toxic hydroxyl radicals from intracellularly generated hydrogen peroxide. Oxidative stress may produce DNA damage, enzymatic inactivation and preoccupation of cell constituents, especially lipid peroxidation (Halliwell and Gutteridge 1989). Glutathione (GSH), the most abundant cellular thiol, is involved in metabolic and transport processes and in the protection ofcells against the toxic effects (Meister and Anderson 1983). GSH has been shown to form GS-Me complexes with various metals, through its thiolate sulfur atom (Rabestein et al. 1985). In light of these studies, it has been proposed that GSH is capable ofcomplexing and detoxifying heavy metal cations soon after they enter the cell, thus representing a first line of defence against heavy metal cytotoxicity (Singhal et al. 1987; Freedman et al. 1989; Naganuma et al. 1990).
机译:铜(Cu)是必不可少的微量元素,它不是有效的肝脏毒素,除非某些遗传缺陷导致无法排泄Cu。然而,非常高的铜摄入量会导致肝损害(Stemleib 1980)。金属过载的影响促使人们对其毒性机理进行了研究。当过量时,“游离” Cu可催化由细胞内产生的过氧化氢产生高毒性羟基自由基。氧化应激可能会导致DNA损伤,酶失活和细胞成分的先入为主,尤其是脂质过氧化作用(Halliwell和Gutteridge 1989)。谷胱甘肽(GSH)是最丰富的细胞硫醇,参与代谢和运输过程,并保护细胞免受毒性作用(Meister和Anderson 1983)。 GSH已显示通过其硫醇盐硫原子与各种金属形成GS-Me络合物(Rabestein等,1985)。根据这些研究,有人提出GSH能够在重金属阳离子进入细胞后立即对其进行络合和解毒,从而代表了抵抗重金属细胞毒性的第一道防线(Singhal等,1987; Freedman等,1989)。 ; Naganuma等人,1990)。



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