首页> 外文期刊>Ecology letters >Parasitism and maintenance of diversity in a fungal vegetative incompatibility system: The role of selection by deleterious cytoplasmic elements

Parasitism and maintenance of diversity in a fungal vegetative incompatibility system: The role of selection by deleterious cytoplasmic elements


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In fungi, horizontal transmission of deleterious cytoplasmic elements is reduced by the vegetative incompatibility system. This selfon-self recognition system may select for greater diversity of fungal incompatibility phenotypes in a frequency-dependent manner but the link between the diversity of fungal phenotypes and the virulence of cytoplasmic parasites has been poorly studied. We used an epidemiological model to show that even when transmission between incompatibility types is permitted, parasite pressure can lead to high levels of polymorphism for vegetative incompatibility systems. Moreover, high levels of polymorphism in host populations can select for less virulent cytoplasmic parasites. This feedback mechanism between parasite virulence and vegetative incompatibility system polymorphism of host populations may account for the general avirulence of most known mycoviruses. Furthermore, this mechanism provides a new perspective on the particular ecology and evolution of the host/parasite interactions acting between fungi and their cytoplasmic parasites.



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