
Tap the knowledge reserve


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Effectively tapping the currently uncaptured knowledge and insights residing in employees can be the key to more competitive opportunity generation. In the hyper-competitive climate of mergers, acquisitions and a never-ending drive to accelerate exploration and development, exploration and production (E&P) groups face daunting challenges. To grow and remain competitive they need, more than ever, to draw on all their available resources. The challenge of continually growing and returning value to shareholders necessitates a highly competitive acquisitions effort at all levels. That, in turn, calls for the ability to have as realtime and detailed a view as possible of relevant changes occurring to both targets and competitors. Such a detailed view allows companies to identify and advance emerging opportunities earlier, act on deals before the competition, and walk away from flawed ones sooner - mitigating the number of times they're left asking themselves "How come we didn't know that?"
机译:有效挖掘员工中当前未掌握的知识和见解可能是产生更具竞争性的机会的关键。在竞争激烈的合并,收购和永无止境的加速勘探与开发的氛围中,勘探与生产(E&P)集团面临着严峻的挑战。为了增长并保持竞争力,他们比以往任何时候都更需要利用其所有可用资源。不断增长的价值和向股东回报价值的挑战要求在各个层面上进行高度竞争的收购工作。反过来,这要求能够实时,详细地查看目标和竞争对手发生的相关变化的能力。这样的详细视图使公司可以更早地发现和发展新兴机会,在竞争之前就采取行动,并尽早摆脱有缺陷的机会-减少了被问自己的次数:“我们为什么不知道呢? ”



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