首页> 外文期刊>Isis: An International Review Devoted to the History of Science and its Cultural Influences >Bodies, Hearts, and Minds Why Emotions Matter to Historians of Science and Medicine

Bodies, Hearts, and Minds Why Emotions Matter to Historians of Science and Medicine


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The histories of emotion address many fundamental themes of science and medicine. These include the ways the body and its workings have been historically observed and measured, the rise of the mind sciences, and the anthropological analyses by which "ways of knowing" are culturally situated. Yet such histories bring their own challenges, not least in how historians of science and medicine view the relationship between bodies, minds, and emotions. This essay explores some of the methodological challenges of emotion history, using the sudden death of the surgeon John Hunter from cardiac disease as a case study. It argues that we need to let go of many of our modern assumptions about the origin of emotions, and "brainhood," that dominate discussions of identity, in order to explore the historical meanings of emotions as products of the body as well as the mind.
机译:情感史涉及科学和医学的许多基本主题。这些包括历史上观察和测量身体及其运作方式,心理科学的兴起以及“认识之道”在文化上所处的人类学分析。然而,这样的历史带来了自己的挑战,特别是在科学和医学的历史学家如何看待身体,思想和情感之间的关系方面。本文以外科医生约翰·亨特(John Hunter)因心脏病猝死为例,探讨了情感史的一些方法论挑战。它认为,我们需要放弃许多关于情绪起源和“大脑”的现代假设,这些假设主导了关于身份的讨论,以便探索作为身体和心灵产物的情绪的历史意义。 。



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