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Winter season adaptation features in sorghum


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The area under winter sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] in Maharashtra has been stable for the last three decades, as the crop is equally valued for its fodder and grain. The last six quinquenneum witnessed a 30 percent rise in winter-season productivity (Nerkar 1998) from 0.48 t ha~(-1) to 0.62 t ha~(-1) at national level. Winter sorghum hybrids will have a tangible impact only when both the male-sterile (A) and restorer (R) lines have seasonal adaptability. A close look of parental lines showsthat they mostly include rainy-season lines with very few winter-adapted ones. CSH 13R has significant yield superiority over M 35-1 but is highly vulnerable to shoot fly (Atherigona soccata Rondani), and low temperatures and has inferior grain quality.CSH 15R is more adaptable than CSH 13R, through not equal to M 35-1. Hence, the present study of new male-sterile lines and restorers was inaugurated.
机译:在马哈拉施特拉邦,冬季高粱(Sorghum bicolor(L.)Moench)下的土地在过去的三十年中一直保持稳定,因为该作物的饲料和谷物均得到同等价值。在全国范围内,最后六个昆士兰的冬季生产力提高了30%(Nerkar 1998),从0.48 t ha〜(-1)增至0.62 t ha〜(-1)。仅当雄性不育系(A)和恢复系(R)都具有季节性适应性时,冬季高粱杂交种才会产生明显影响。仔细查看父母亲行,可以发现它们大多包含雨季行,而很少有冬季适应行。 CSH 13R比M 35-1具有明显的增产优势,但极易受shoot蝇(Atherigona soccata Rondani)的侵害,且低温且籽粒品质较差.CSH 15R比CSH 13R适应性强,但不等于M 35-1 。因此,开始了新的雄性不育系和恢复系的当前研究。



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