首页> 外文期刊>International journal of nursing studies >Postpartum depression peer support: maternal perceptions from a randomized controlled trial.

Postpartum depression peer support: maternal perceptions from a randomized controlled trial.


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BACKGROUND: Peer support in the early postpartum period is effective in the prevention of postpartum depression among women identified as high-risk. OBJECTIVES: To describe maternal perceptions of peer support received while participating in a trial. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey of women participating in a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effect of peer support in the prevention of postpartum depression. SETTING: Seven health regions across Ontario Canada. PARTICIPANTS: 701 women were recruited between November 2004 and September 2006. Women eligible for the study were all mothers with an Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale score >9 who were within 2 weeks postpartum, at least 18 years of age, able to speak English, had a live birth, and had been discharged home from the hospital. Exclusion criteria included an infant not discharged home with the mother and current use of antidepressant or antipsychotic medication. Two hundred and twenty-one mothers completed the mailed questionnaire. METHODS: Women were randomly allocated to receive usual postpartum care (control group) or usual postpartum care plus telephone-based peer support (intervention group). Maternal perceptions of peer support were evaluated at 12 weeks postpartum using the validated Peer Support Evaluation Inventory. RESULTS: Interactions provided by the peer volunteer included the provision of emotional (92.7%), informational (72.4%), and appraisal (72.0%) support. Mothers reported high levels of positive relationship qualities such as trust (83.6%) and perceived acceptance (79.1%). Most (80.5%) mothers indicated they were very satisfied with their peer support experience. Maternal satisfaction was associated with the number and duration of peer volunteer contacts. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of mothers perceived their peer volunteer experience positively lending further support to telephone-based peer support as a preventative strategy for postpartum depression. The following program modifications were suggested: (a) adapt training to enhance the provision of appraisal support; (b) improve matching of volunteers to participants based on age, number of children, and breastfeeding status; and (c) ensure participating mothers want to receive peer support in order to facilitate the development of relationships with their assigned peers.
机译:背景:产后早期的同伴支持可有效预防被确定为高危女性的产后抑郁症。目的:描述孕妇在参加试验时对同伴支持的看法。设计:对参加随机对照试验的妇女进行横断面调查,以评估同伴支持在预防产后抑郁中的作用。地点:加拿大安大略省的七个卫生区。参加者:2004年11月至2006年9月,招募了701名妇女。所有符合爱丁堡产后抑郁量表得分≥9且在产后2周内,至少18岁,会说英语的母亲均具有活产,已从医院出院。排除标准包括未与母亲出院的婴儿以及当前使用的抗抑郁药或抗精神病药。 212位母亲填写了邮寄的问卷。方法:随机分配妇女接受常规的产后护理(对照组)或常规的产后护理以及电话支持的同伴支持(干预组)。在产后12周,使用经过验证的同伴支持评估清单评估产妇对同伴支持的看法。结果:同伴志愿者提供的互动包括情感支持(92.7%),信息支持(72.4%)和评估支持(72.0%)。母亲报告了很高的积极关系品质,例如信任(83.6%)和知觉接受度(79.1%)。大多数(80.5%)母亲表示对同龄人的抚养经验感到非常满意。产妇满意度与同伴志愿者接触的次数和持续时间有关。结论:大多数母亲认为,他们的同伴志愿人员的经历积极地为基于电话的同伴支持提供了进一步的支持,以此作为预防产后抑郁的策略。建议对方案进行以下修改:(a)调整培训以增加评估支持的提供; (b)根据年龄,孩子数量和母乳喂养状况,改善志愿者与参与者的匹配; (c)确保参与的母亲希望获得同龄人的支持,以促进与其分配的同龄人的关系发展。



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