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Do lawyers induce litigation? Evidence from Spain, 2001-2010


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There are important theoretical reasons to support the idea that lawyers induce litigation. However, estimating empirically that relationship is problematic given a standard endogeneity problem: if lawyers generate litigation, additional litigation attracts more lawyers. According to recent studies, Spain has more litigation and more lawyers per capita than most OECD countries. In this paper we test for the relationship between the number of lawyers and litigation in Spain by making use of instrumental variables, in the period 2001-2010. Specifically, we construct two groups of instrumental variables related to the number of law schools founded in Spain by 1968 and to the distance between the current provincial capitals to the historical capital of their university district (where it was possible to study law) in 1845. The results show that the number of lawyers has a positive effect on litigation. However, from our econometric analysis we do not find an obvious problem of simultaneity for the period considered. Policy implications are derived. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:有重要的理论理由支持律师进行诉讼的主张。但是,从经验上估计,鉴于标准内生性问题,这种关系是有问题的:如果律师提起诉讼,则其他诉讼会吸引更多的律师。根据最近的研究,与大多数经合组织国家相比,西班牙的诉讼人均数量更多。在本文中,我们通过使用工具变量,在2001-2010年期间测试了西班牙律师人数与诉讼之间的关系。具体而言,我们构建了两组工具变量,它们与1968年在西班牙成立的法学院的数量以及1845年当前省会城市与其所在大学区的历史之都(可以在这里学习法律)之间的距离有关。结果表明,律师人数对诉讼有积极影响。但是,从我们的计量经济学分析中,我们并未发现所考虑时期内同时存在明显的问题。得出政策含义。 (C)2015 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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