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Prepregs with long service life. 2. Rheokinetic selection of industrial types of epoxy resins and curing agents

机译:使用寿命长的预浸料。 2.工业用环氧树脂和固化剂的流变动力学选择

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The potential for primary kinetic selection of binder components for prepregs with a long service life using an isothermic calorimeter has already ben dmeonstrated [1]. This method enabled the reactivity of binder components at prepreg storage temperatures T_store to be evaluated from the initial rates of the curing process. It does not, however, allow the maximum kinetic service life [tau~20_gel), linked to the gelation time for the binder at T_store [2], to be forecast, because the latter also depends on the functional properties of the components.
机译:使用等温量热仪对具有长使用寿命的预浸料进行粘合剂成分的主要动力学选择的潜力已经得到证明[1]。该方法使得能够根据固化过程的初始速率来评估在预浸料存储温度T_store下的粘合剂组分的反应性。但是,它不能预测与在T_store [2]处的粘合剂的胶凝时间有关的最大动力学使用寿命[tau〜20_gel),因为后者也取决于组件的功能特性。



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