首页> 外文期刊>International review of law and economics >Impediments and Hardship in International Sales: A Commentary on Catherine Kessedjian's 'Competing Approaches to Force Majeure and Hardship'

Impediments and Hardship in International Sales: A Commentary on Catherine Kessedjian's 'Competing Approaches to Force Majeure and Hardship'


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Professor Kessedjian finds it "quite ironic" that the organizers of the CISG Conference held in 2004 at La Pietra asked her to write about force majeure and hardship, because she herself chose this exact topic many years ago for a paper she wrote as a student at the University of Paris. I certainly understand her sentiments. Indeed, my invitation to serve as a Commentator for this session of the La Pietra conference compounds that irony, since I myself wrote about force majeure as a student at the University of Copenhagen. That was back in 1980, the same year the CISG was done in Vienna. My student paper was published, and I can still live with it, since I think my basic approach to CISG Article 79 (and domestic analogues) remains more or less the same. But as Professor Kessedjian rightly reminds us, we have witnessed significant developments on other/related force majeure fronts. So, with Professor Kessedjian's thought-provoking paper as my starting point, I will expand upon some of the issues and sub-issues which I find most interesting within this larger commercial and comparative context. This conference provides a much-welcome opportunity to exchange American and European views. Having spent 30 years (studying and teaching law) in Copenhagen, I cannot deny "where I am coming from," i.e. my predominantly Scandinavian and even European perspective (Denmark's infamous EU-reservations notwithstanding). Then again, the fact that I-as a much younger man-studied economics in Pennsylvania and law in New York also colors my approach to the subject at hand. In the following, I will supplement some items in Professor Kessedjian's Inventory with CISG recent case law, emphasizing what courts and arbitrators have said about impediments to performance under Article 79. I will also comment upon the more fluid hardship concept, both under the Unidroit and European Principles, as well as under selected domestic laws. I will then re-approach these issues from a different angle, asking whether CISG Article 79 might be understood to preempt rules of hardship, or (alternatively) whether hardship rules might be allowed to compete with (and thus supplement) the exemptions provision in Article 79.
机译:Kessedjian教授发现2004年在La Pietra举行的CISG会议的组织者要求她写有关不可抗力和艰苦的经历“颇具讽刺意味”,因为她自己是多年前在她作为学生时写的一篇论文中选择的正是这一主题。巴黎大学。我当然理解她的观点。确实,我邀请我担任La Pietra会议本届会议的评论员,反而使我感到讽刺,因为我本人曾就哥本哈根大学的学生写过不可抗力的文章。早在1980年,即《销售公约》在维也纳完成的同一年。我的学生论文已经发表,但我仍然可以接受,因为我认为我对《销售公约》第79条(和国内类似物)的基本处理方法大致相同。但是正如Kessedjian教授正确地提醒我们的那样,我们目睹了其他/相关不可抗力方面的重大发展。因此,以凯塞德吉安教授的发人深省的论文作为我的出发点,我将扩展一些在较大的商业和比较背景下我最感兴趣的问题和子问题。这次会议为交流美国和欧洲的观点提供了非常受欢迎的机会。在哥本哈根度过30年(学习和教授法律)的经历,我不能否认“我来自哪里”,即我主要是斯堪的纳维亚甚至欧洲的观点(尽管丹麦臭名昭著的欧盟保留)。再说一遍,我是宾夕法尼亚州经济学的研究者,而纽约州的法律则是一个年轻的人,这一事实也使我对手头这个问题的研究方式充满了色彩。在下文中,我将用《销售公约》的最新判例法补充凯塞德吉安教授的清单中的某些项目,强调法院和仲裁员对第79条所指的绩效障碍表示了什么看法。欧洲原则以及部分国内法规定。然后,我将以不同的角度重新审视这些问题,询问《销售公约》第79条是否可以理解为先于困难规则,或者(可替代地)是否可以允许艰苦规则与本条中的豁免规定竞争(并以此为补充) 79。



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