首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing >Learning indoor movement habits for predictive control

Learning indoor movement habits for predictive control


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Using Wi-Fi signals is an attractive and reasonably affordable option to deal with the currently unsolved problem of widespread tracking in an indoor environment. Our system, history aware-based indoor tracking system (HABITS) models human movement patterns and this knowledge is incorporated into a discrete Bayesian filter to predict the areas that will, or will not, be visited in the future. These probabilistic predictions may be used as an additional input into building automation systems for intelligent control of heating and lighting. This paper outlines current indoor tracking methods and the weaknesses associated with them. It describes in detail the operation of the HABITS algorithm and discusses the implementation of this algorithm in relation to indoor Wi-Fi tracking with a large wireless network. Testing of HABITS shows that it gives comparable levels of accuracy to those achieved by doubling the number of access points. It is twice as accurate as existing systems in dealing with signal black spots and it can predict the final destination of a person within the test environment almost 80% of the time.
机译:使用Wi-Fi信号是解决目前尚未解决的室内环境中广泛跟踪问题的一种有吸引力且价格合理的选择。我们的系统是基于历史感知的室内跟踪系统(HABITS),可对人类的运动模式进行建模,并将此知识纳入离散的贝叶斯过滤器中,以预测将来将要访问或将不会访问的区域。这些概率预测可以用作楼宇自动化系统中用于智能控制采暖和照明的其他输入。本文概述了当前的室内跟踪方法以及与之相关的弱点。它详细描述了HABITS算法的操作,并讨论了与大型无线网络的室内Wi-Fi跟踪相关的该算法的实现。 HABITS的测试表明,与通过将接入点数量增加一倍所达到的准确性相比,它提供了相当的准确性。在处理信号黑点方面,它的精度是现有系统的两倍,并且可以在80%的时间内预测测试环境中人员的最终目的地。



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