首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Tropical Agriculture >High Starch, Beta Carotene and Anthocyanin Rich Sweet Potato: Ascent to Future Food and Nutrition Security in Coastal and Backward Areas

High Starch, Beta Carotene and Anthocyanin Rich Sweet Potato: Ascent to Future Food and Nutrition Security in Coastal and Backward Areas


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Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.), a short duration creeper seems to be most suitable to grow in fragile zones and check soil erosion in degrading wet lands as eco-friendly crop. This crop can cater food (194 M_1/ha~(-1) day) feed, industrial (16-20%starch) and nutritional (Vitamin C-23 mg/lOOg and Vitamin E - 4.6 mg/lOOg) demands. Orange flesh rich in beta-carotene and purple flesh rich in anthocyanin can further fortify its nutritional value. Visibility of sweet potato as rescue crop in coastal Odisha during post super cyclone was enhanced as paddy and other vegetables failed to grow. These valued traits of sweet potato revalidated its importance across the globe as source forfood-nutrition and processing. In India, at Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, sweet potato breeding has been undertaken to redesign it to meet the consumer needs. To satisfy the demands, the targeted objectives were- higher yield (more than 17 t/h), starch (more than 18%), /3-carotene (more than 14 mg/lOOg) and anthocyanin (more than lg/lOOg) with reduced crop growth cycle (75-90 days) and weevil resistance (infestation less than 10%). A stock of265 sweet potato genotypes comprising of exotic, indigenous and their breeding lines were evaluated for such valued traits.Evaluation ofgermplasm lines resulted in selecting 16 lines. On the other hand breeding and evaluation resulted in developing 35 lines with targeted valued traits. 75 days maturity was recorded for 1 orange and 2 white flesh, whereas 90 days maturity recorded for 15 white, 5 orange and 5 purple flesh sweet potatoes. Yield ranged from 18-25 t/ha, beta-carotene 14-16 mg/lOOg and anthocyanin more than lg/lOOg. The high starch, beta-carotene and anthocyanin rich sweet potato also found to perform better inhilly backward areas as well as coastal belts having salt stress (6-8 dSm1) across Odisha. These results have immense agricultural implications not only for coastal, backward areas of Odisha but also for other coastal wet lands prone to frequent cycloneand flood owing to climatic adversities. The high starch, anti-oxidants (beta-carotene, anthocyanin) rich, short duration, weevil tolerant sweet potato is also the demand for food-nutrition and processing.
机译:甘薯(Ipomoea batatas L.)是一种短时的爬山虎,似乎最适合在脆弱地区种植并检查土壤退化,从而将湿地退化为生态友好型作物。该农作物可满足食品(194 M_1 / ha〜(-1)天)的饲料,工业(16-20%淀粉)和营养(维生素C-23 mg / 100g和维生素E-4.6 mg / 100g)的需求。富含β-胡萝卜素的橙色果肉和富含花青素的紫色果肉可以进一步增强其营养价值。超级飓风过后,由于稻田和其他蔬菜未能生长,甘薯在奥里萨邦沿海作为救灾作物的能见度得到了提高。甘薯的这些珍贵特性重新验证了其在全球作为食品营养和加工来源的重要性。在印度,中央块茎作物研究所进行了番薯育种,以重新设计以满足消费者的需求。为了满足需求,目标目标是-更高的产量(大于17吨/小时),淀粉(大于18%),/ 3-胡萝卜素(大于14毫克/ 100克)和花色苷(大于1g / 100克)减少了作物的生长周期(75-90天)和象鼻抗性(侵染率小于10%)。评估了265种由外来,本土和它们的育种系组成的甘薯基因型的这种有价值的性状。种质系的评估导致选择了16个系。另一方面,育种和评估导致开发了具有目标价值特征的35个品系。 1个橙色和2个白色果肉的成熟期为75天,而15个白色,5个橙色和5个紫色果肉的甘薯则为90天。产量范围为18-25吨/公顷,β-胡萝卜素为14-16mg / 100g,花青素大于1g / 100g。高淀粉,β-胡萝卜素和花青素含量高的甘薯也发现在奥里萨邦的落后山坡地区以及盐胁迫(6-8 dSm1)的沿海地带表现更好。这些结果不仅对奥里萨邦沿海,落后地区而且对由于气候逆境而容易遭受飓风和洪水泛滥的其他沿海湿地都具有巨大的农业影响。高淀粉,抗氧化剂(β-胡萝卜素,花青素)丰富,持续时间短,耐象鼻的红薯也是食品营养和加工的需求。



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