首页> 外文期刊>International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery >Co-expression of nerve growth factor and p75NGFR in the inferior alveolar nerve after mandibular distraction osteogenesis.

Co-expression of nerve growth factor and p75NGFR in the inferior alveolar nerve after mandibular distraction osteogenesis.


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During mandibular distraction osteogenesis (DO), the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) is damaged during distractor activation, but spontaneously recovers during consolidation. Although many neurotrophic factors are known to play critical roles, there have been few studies on the mechanism of peripheral nerve recovery after DO. The aim of this study was to observe the expression pattern of p75NGFR (low-affinity receptor of NGF) and to detect autocrine growth activity in IANs following mandibular DO. Unilateral mandibular distractions (0.5mm each, twice per day for 10 days) were conducted on eight mongrel dogs. Two each were killed at 7, 14, 28 and 56 days after completing distraction. The distracted IAN and contralateral control nerve were harvested. Immunohistochemical staining was performed to determine p75NGFR expression, and double immunofluorescent staining to detect NGF and p75NGFR co-expression. Levels of p75NGFR expression were found to be significantly elevated at 7 and 14 days in Schwann cells located in the outer layer of axon, but were almost undetectable at 28 and 56 days. In double immunofluorescent images, the co-expression of NGF and p75NGFR was also detected at 7 and 14 days. p75NGFR plays an important role in remyelination due to its abundant expression in Schwann cells of damaged nerves, and NGF is an autocrine growth factor present in distracted IANs during the early consolidation period after mandibular DO.
机译:在下颌骨牵张成骨(DO)期间,下颌骨神经(IAN)在牵张器激活过程中受损,但在巩固过程中自发恢复。尽管已知许多神经营养因子起着关键作用,但关于溶解氧后周围神经恢复机制的研究很少。这项研究的目的是观察p75NGFR(NGF的低亲和力受体)的表达模式,并检测下颌DO后IANs的自分泌生长活性。对八只杂种狗进行单侧下颌分心(每次0.5mm,每天两次,共10天)。分心后第7、14、28和56天各有2人被杀。收集分心的IAN和对侧控制神经。进行免疫组织化学染色以确定p75NGFR表达,并进行两次免疫荧光染色以检测NGF和p75NGFR共表达。发现在轴突外层的雪旺氏细胞中,p75NGFR表达水平在第7和14天时明显升高,但在第28和56天时几乎检测不到。在双重免疫荧光图像中,还在7天和14天时检测到NGF和p75NGFR的共表达。 p75NGFR由于在受损神经的雪旺细胞中大量表达而在髓鞘再生中起重要作用,而NGF是下颌DO后巩固期早期分散注意力的IANs中存在的自分泌生长因子。



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