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Why some, but not all, countries have banned asbestos


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Background: Out of 143 countries that consumed asbestos between 2003 and 2007, only 44 have banned asbestos. This study tried to explain why some countries have banned asbestos while others have not, based on a synthesis that asbestos ban policy of a country will rely on a process of cognition of threats and exploration of safer alternatives. Method: As we hypothesized that increased social cost of mesothelioma, capacity of health-related infrastructures, and policy diffusion from adjacent countries were related to asbestos ban adoption, published databases of asbestos ban years, mesothelioma mortality, country rankings in health care and human rights standings, and distribution of banning countries over 14 regions were analyzed accordingly. Results: The average mesothelioma death rate was significantly higher for countries with asbestos bans than in those with no ban (4.59 versus 1.83/million). No-ban countries had less well-developed healthrelated infrastructures. Among European countries, there was a tendency toward geographical diffusion of asbestos ban policy from Nordic to Western and then other European countries over the years. Even though aberrant cases were also noted where bans were instituted even without mesothelioma database, these were rather exceptions than rules. Conclusion: Risk cognition is a complex process, but the presence of well-functioning health infrastructures, as well as the increased social cost of mesothelioma, that can make the plight of asbestos victims visible to the eyes of public and policy makers, may have contributed to this process. Asbestos ban policy from adjacent countries might have facilitated the adoption of alternative solutions.
机译:背景:在2003年至2007年之间的143个食用石棉的国家中,只有44个禁止了石棉。这项研究试图根据一个国家的石棉禁令政策将依赖于对威胁的认识和探索更安全的替代品的过程的综合来解释为什么一些国家禁止石棉而另一些国家则没有。方法:我们假设间皮瘤的社会成本增加,健康相关基础设施的能力以及邻国的政策扩散与石棉禁令的采用,已发布的石棉禁令年数,间皮瘤死亡率,医疗保健和人权国家排名有关相应地分析了14个地区中禁酒国家的排名和分布。结果:石棉禁令国家的间皮瘤平均死亡率显着高于无禁令国家(4.59比1.83 /百万)。无禁令国家的卫生相关基础设施欠发达。在欧洲国家中,多年来,石棉禁令的政策趋向于从北欧扩散到西方,然后再扩散到其他欧洲国家。即使在没有间皮瘤数据库的情况下也发现了禁止实施禁令的异常案例,这些都是例外而不是规则。结论:风险认知是一个复杂的过程,但是运行良好的医疗基础设施以及间皮瘤的社会成本增加,可能使石棉受害者的困境在公众和决策者的眼中可见,这个过程。邻国的石棉禁令可能促进了替代解决方案的采用。



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