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Speech and language therapy in Sure Start Local Programmes: a survey-based analysis of practice and innovation

机译:Sure Start Local Programs中的言语和语言疗法:基于调查的实践与创新分析

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Background: Sure Start has been a flagship policy for the UK Labour Government since 1998. Its aim was to improve the life chances of children under five years of age who live in areas of socio-economic disadvantage by means of multi-agency, multidisciplinary Sure Start Local Programmes (SSLPs). Speech and language therapists have played a key part in many SSLPs, and have had the opportunity to extend their roles. Despite the scrutiny paid to Sure Start, there has been no comprehensive analysis of speech and language therapists' contribution to date. Studies have focused on individual programmes or small samples: there has been no attempt to collate the full range of practice. As Sure Start evolved and Children's Centres emerged, it became vital to learn from the Sure Start experience and inform the mainstreaming of practice, before tlie window of opportunity closed Aims: The survey aims were, firsdy, to identify the range of practice amongst speech and language therapists working in SSLPs, highlighting new practice, and, secondly, to categorize the practices according to the tiered model of UK health and social services of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT 2006). Methods &Procedures: An online mixed-method, semi-structured survey was designed to elicit primarily quantitative and categorical data. A total of 501 Sure Start Local Programmes were invited to take part. A total of 128 speech and language therapists responded, giving a response rate of 26%. A descriptive analysis of the response data was undertaken.Outcomes & Results: A total of 103 respondents (80%) reported maintaining a clinical role as well as extending their roles to include preventative services. Of those 103 respondents, 69% were able to see referred children at a younger average age and 80% saw them more quickly than before Sure Start. A wide variety of preventative practice was identified. A widening of access to speech and language therapist was reported in terms of ven
机译:背景:Sure Start自1998年以来一直是英国工党政府的一项旗舰政策。其目标是通过多机构,多学科的Sure来改善生活在社会经济不利地区的5岁以下儿童的生活机会。启动本地程序(SSLP)。语音和语言治疗师在许多SSLP中扮演着关键角色,并且有机会扩展其作用。尽管对Sure Start进行了详细审查,但迄今为止,尚未对语音和语言治疗师的贡献进行全面分析。研究集中在单个程序或小样本上:没有尝试整理所有实践。随着Sure Start的发展和儿童中心的兴起,在Sure Start机会窗口关闭之前,从Sure Start的经验中学习并指导实践的主流变得至关重要。目的:调查的目的是,首先要确定言语和行为方面的实践范围。在SSLP中工作的语言治疗师,重点介绍了新做法,其次,根据英国皇家言语和语言治疗师学院的英国卫生和社会服务分层模型对这些行为进行了分类(RCSLT 2006)。方法与程序:设计了一种在线混合方法,半结构化调查,以主要收集定量和分类数据。总共邀请了501个Sure Start Local计划参加。共有128位言语和语言治疗师做出了回应,回应率为26%。结果和结果:共有103位受访者(80%)报告维持临床作用并将其作用扩展到包括预防服务。在这103名受访者中,有69%的人能够看到平均年龄较年轻的被推荐孩子,而80%的人比Sure Start之前看得更快。确定了各种各样的预防措施。据报道,通过言语交流,语言和语言治疗师的使用范围有所扩大



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