首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics >Interactive effects of physical and mental workload on subjective workload assessment

Interactive effects of physical and mental workload on subjective workload assessment


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Individuals are often expected to perform complex tasks involving physical and mental demands, particularly with the ongoing implementation of technology. Subjective workload assessment measures have been used extensively in a single domain (e.g., mental or physical), but at present there are no validated techniques available for measuring overall workload in multi-task situations. This study investigated the interaction between physical and mental demands and the effects of such interactions when using existing subjective workload assessment tools. Two common assessment tools (Borg CR10 Scale and NASA-TLX) were used to record changes in perceived workload. Thirty participants (ages 18-24 years) performed tasks involving the concurrent completion of a lifting task and mental arithmetic at four levels of physical and mental demand, respectively. Ratings using the Borg CR10 Scale, a uni-dimensional scale for the physical domain, were not substantially affected by the presence of additional mental task demands. NASA-TLX scores, based on a multi-dimensional assessment approach that included a physical demand component, reflected the mental workload demands, but were also affected by the addition of a concurrent physical task. Furthermore, there were no significant differences between the weighted and unweighted scores. Further research is needed to determine the broader utility of these tools in providing an assessment of overall workload.
机译:人们通常期望人们执行复杂的任务,涉及生理和心理需求,特别是随着技术的不断实施。主观工作量评估措施已在单个领域(例如,心理或身体)中广泛使用,但目前尚无经过验证的技术可用于测量多任务情况下的总体工作量。这项研究调查了使用现有的主观工作量评估工具时,身心需求之间的相互作用以及这种相互作用的影响。两种常用的评估工具(Borg CR10 Scale和NASA-TLX)用于记录感知的工作量变化。 30名参与者(年龄18-24岁)分别执行了四个级别的身体和精神需求同时完成一项提升任务和心理算术的任务。使用Borg CR10量表(一种物理领域的一维量表)进行的评分基本上不受其他心理任务需求的影响。 NASA-TLX分数基于包括身体需求组成部分的多维评估方法,不仅反映了精神工作量需求,而且还受到同时执行的身体任务的影响。此外,加权和未加权分数之间没有显着差异。需要进一步研究以确定这些工具在评估总体工作量方面的更广泛的用途。



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