首页> 外文期刊>International journal of hematology >Huge multinucleated megaloblasts found in a patient with refractory anemia with excess blasts-1

Huge multinucleated megaloblasts found in a patient with refractory anemia with excess blasts-1


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A 68-year-old male was hospitalized with palpitations and lightheadedness. Laboratory tests showed macrocytic anemia (hemoglobin concentration 71g/L with a mean corpuscular volume of 106.2 fl) and thrombocytopenia (platelet count 24.0 x 109/L). The leukocyte count was 7.0 x 109/L (neutrophil 80 %, lymphocyte 15 %, mono-cyte 4 %, myeloblast 1 %). Serum levels of vitamin B_12 and folic acid were within the normal range.The blood smear demonstrated anisocytosis of the erythrocytes with macrocytes and poikilocytes, such as target cells and fragmented cells (Fig. la). The bone marrow examination showed hypercellular marrow with dominant proliferation of erythroid lineage cells (72.3 %), which had dysplastic features, including megaloblastoid changes, multinucleation and karyorrhexis (Fig. lb, c). Elastic cells accounted for 1.8 % of the bone marrow nuclear cells (7.8 % in non-erythroid cells). They were negative for peroxidase staining.
机译:一名68岁的男性因心pal和头昏眼花住院。实验室检查显示大细胞性贫血(血红蛋白浓度为71g / L,平均红细胞体积为106.2 fl)和血小板减少症(血小板计数为24.0 x 109 / L)。白细胞计数为7.0 x 109 / L(中性粒细胞80%,淋巴细胞15%,单细胞4%,成纤维细胞1%)。血清中的维生素B_12和叶酸水平在正常范围内。血液涂片检查显示,红细胞与大细胞和小胶质细胞(如靶细胞和破碎的细胞)存在异胞作用(图1a)。骨髓检查显示,巨细胞系红系谱系细胞占主导地位的增殖(72.3%),具有增生异常,包括巨胚细胞样改变,多核化和核溢血(图1b,c)。弹性细胞占骨髓核细胞的1.8%(非类红细胞占7.8%)。他们的过氧化物酶染色阴性。



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