首页> 外文期刊>International journal of hematology >Correction of beta654-thalassaemia mice using direct intravenous injection of siRNA and antisense RNA vectors.

Correction of beta654-thalassaemia mice using direct intravenous injection of siRNA and antisense RNA vectors.


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Although the therapeutic efficacy of beta(654)-thalassaemia treatment using a combination of RNAi and antisense RNA to balance the synthesis of alpha- and beta-globin chains has been demonstrated previously, and the safety of lentiviral delivery remains unclear. Herein, we used the same beta(654)-thalassaemia mouse model to develop a therapy involving direct delivery of siRNA and antisense RNA plasmids via intravenous injection to simultaneously knock down alpha-globin transcript levels and restore correct beta-globin splicing. The amount of alpha-globin mRNAs in siRNA-treated MEL cells decreased significantly, and the properly spliced beta-globin mRNA was restored in HeLabeta(654) cells transfected with pcDNA-antisense plasmid. Furthermore, treatment of beta(654)-thalassaemic mice with siRNA and antisense RNA plasmids resulted in significant reduction of poikilocytosis and reticulocyte counts in blood samples, decreased nucleated cell populations in bone marrow, and reduced intrasinusoidal extramedullary haematopoiesis loci and iron accumulation in liver. RT-PCR analysis revealed that treatment resulted in down-regulation of alpha-globin mRNA synthesis by ~50% along with an increase in the presence of normally spliced beta-globin transcripts, indicating that the phenotypic changes observed in beta(654)-thalassaemic mice following treatment resulted from restoration of the balance of alpha/beta-globin biosynthesis.
机译:尽管以前已经证明了使用RNAi和反义RNA来平衡α-和β-珠蛋白链合成的β(654)地中海贫血的治疗功效,但慢病毒递送的安全性仍不清楚。在这里,我们使用相同的beta(654)地中海贫血小鼠模型来开发一种疗法,该疗法涉及通过静脉内注射直接递送siRNA和反义RNA质粒,以同时降低α-珠蛋白的转录水平并恢复正确的β-珠蛋白的剪接。 siRNA处理的MEL细胞中的α-珠蛋白mRNA的数量显着减少,并且在用pcDNA反义质粒转染的HeLabeta(654)细胞中恢复了正确剪接的β-珠蛋白mRNA。此外,用siRNA和反义RNA质粒处理β(654)型地中海贫血小鼠可显着减少血液样本中的单核细胞增多症和网织红细胞计数,减少骨髓中有核细胞的数量,并减少窦内窦内髓外造血位点和肝脏中的铁蓄积。 RT-PCR分析显示,治疗导致α-球蛋白mRNA合成下调约50%,并且正常剪接的β-球蛋白转录本的存在增加,表明在β(654)-地中海贫血中观察到表型改变治疗后的小鼠是由于α/β-球蛋白生物合成平衡的恢复而产生的。



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