首页> 外文期刊>International journal of gynecological pathology: Official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists >Ovarian tumors with functioning stroma: A clinicopathologic study with special reference to serum estrogen level, stromal morphology, and aromatase expression

Ovarian tumors with functioning stroma: A clinicopathologic study with special reference to serum estrogen level, stromal morphology, and aromatase expression


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Ovarian tumors with functioning stroma often show estrogenic manifestations. The range of serum estrogen level, however, has not been analyzed, nor the correlation with the stromal morphology. We reviewed the preoperative serum level of estradiol (E2) in 20 postmenopausal ovarian tumors that contained lutein-or theca-like cells in the stroma. Tumor histology included mucinous (n=7), endometrioid (n=4), clear (n=4), or Brenner tumor (n=2), carcinosarcoma (n=2), and Krukenberg tumor (n=1). Overall, the preoperative serum level of E2 ranged widely from 12.1 to 162.4 pg/mL (reference range, 10-30 pg/mL). The range of serum E2 was 24.9 to 162.4 pg/mL (mean, 58.0 pg/mL) in 7 tumors containing lutein-like cells, and 12.1 to 157.8 pg/mL (mean, 57.0 pg/mL) in 13 tumors containing theca-like cells alone. There was no significant difference in the serum E2 level between the 2 groups. To determine whether the functioning stroma is capable of final conversion of androgens to estrogens, the expression of P450 aromatase was examined immunohistochemically. P450 aromatase was exclusively expressed in the stromal cells, both lutein-and theca-like cells, in 16 tumors. In all tumors, however, it was focally or sparsely distributed, and there was no correlation between the immunoreactivity for P450 aromatase and the serum E2 level. These findings indicate that the functioning stroma, regardless of cell morphology, has a capacity for converting androgens to estrogens, but a significant amount of serum estrogens is finally qualified in the aromatase-rich peripheral tissues.
机译:具有基质功能的卵巢肿瘤通常表现出雌激素表现。但是,尚未分析血清雌激素水平的范围,也未分析其与基质形态的相关性。我们回顾了20例绝经后卵巢肿瘤中雌激素(E2)的血清水平,这些肿瘤在基质中含有叶黄素或卵泡膜样细胞。肿瘤组织学包括粘液性(n = 7),子宫内膜样物质(n = 4),透明性(n = 4)或Brenner肿瘤(n = 2),癌肉瘤(n = 2)和Krukenberg肿瘤(n = 1)。总体而言,术前血清E2的水平范围从12.1至162.4 pg / mL(参考范围为10-30 pg / mL)。在7个含有叶黄素样细胞的肿瘤中,血清E2的范围为24.9至162.4 pg / mL(平均值,58.0 pg / mL),在13个含有茶黄素样细胞的肿瘤中,血清E2的范围为12.1至157.8 pg / mL(平均值,57.0 pg / mL)。像细胞一样。两组之间的血清E2水平没有显着差异。为了确定功能性基质是否能够将雄激素最终转化为雌激素,免疫组织化学检查了P450芳香化酶的表达。 P450芳香化酶仅在16种肿瘤中的叶黄素样和卵泡膜样细胞的基质细胞中表达。然而,在所有肿瘤中,它均呈局灶性或稀疏性分布,P450芳香化酶的免疫反应性与血清E2水平之间没有相关性。这些发现表明,不管细胞形态如何,功能性基质都具有将雄激素转化为雌激素的能力,但是大量的血清雌激素最终在富含芳香酶的外周组织中合格。



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