首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Epidemiology: Official Journal of the International Epidemiological Association >Alcohol poisoning is a main determinant of recent mortality trends in Russia: evidence from a detailed analysis of mortality statistics and autopsies.

Alcohol poisoning is a main determinant of recent mortality trends in Russia: evidence from a detailed analysis of mortality statistics and autopsies.


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BACKGROUND: The changes in Russian mortality rates during the last two decades are unprecedented in a modern industrialized country. Although these fluctuations have attracted much interest, trends for major groups of causes of death have been analysed while trends in specific causes of death might shed light on the underlying determinants. METHODS: We analysed trends in total and cause-specific mortality in Russia for 1991-2006. The records of 24 836 forensic autopsies carried out during the period 1990-2004 in the city of Barnaul were analysed with respect to blood alcohol level. RESULTS: Diseases of the circulatory system (in the age group 35-69 years) and external causes (in the age group 15-34 years) were the main contributors to the fluctuations in Russian mortality rates observed in 1991-2006. The largest relative changes were for conditions directly related to alcohol intake. Among cardiovascular diseases, fluctuations were due to 'other forms' of acute and chronic ischaemia, and to atherosclerotic heart disease, while rates of myocardial infarction were low and relatively constant. In the autopsy series a very high proportion of decedents whose death was attributed to 'other' or 'not classified' cardiovascular diseases had lethal or potentially lethal concentrations of ethanol in blood. CONCLUSIONS: The increases in mortality in 1991-94 and in 1998-2003 coincided with economic and societal crisis, while decreases in 1994-98 and 2003-06 correlate with improvement in the economic situation. Excessive alcohol intake is a major cause of premature male Russian mortality, although many alcohol-related deaths are wrongly attributed to diseases of the circulatory system.
机译:背景:在过去的二十年中,俄罗斯的死亡率变化在现代工业化国家中是前所未有的。尽管这些波动引起了人们的极大兴趣,但已经分析了主要死因类别的趋势,而具体死因的趋势可能会揭示潜在的决定因素。方法:我们分析了1991-2006年俄罗斯总死亡率和特定原因死亡率的趋势。在1990-2004年期间,对Barnaul市进行的24 836例法医尸检记录进行了血液酒精含量分析。结果:循环系统疾病(35-69岁年龄段)和外因(15-34岁年龄段)是造成1991-2006年俄罗斯死亡率波动的主要因素。最大的相对变化是针对与酒精摄入直接相关的疾病。在心血管疾病中,波动是由于急性和慢性缺血的“其他形式”以及动脉粥样硬化性心脏病引起的,而心肌梗塞的发生率较低且相对恒定。在尸检系列中,死者中有很高比例的死者死于“其他”或“未分类”心血管疾病,其血液中的乙醇浓度具有致死性或潜在致死性。结论1991-94年和1998-2003年死亡率的增加与经济和社会危机相吻合,而1994-98年和2003-06年的死亡率下降与经济状况的改善相关。过量饮酒是导致俄罗斯男性过早死亡的主要原因,尽管许多与酒精有关的死亡被错误地归因于循环系统疾病。



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