首页> 外文期刊>International journal of environmental health research >Longitudinal studies on Listeria monocytogenes and other Listeria species in two salmon processing plants

Longitudinal studies on Listeria monocytogenes and other Listeria species in two salmon processing plants


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Two plants processing salmon fillets and cold smoked salmon were investigated for occurrence of Listeria in products and the environment. Analyses were conducted for a period of 31 weeks. At plant A, 252 samples were examined of which 97 were from unprocessed fish and 155 from cold-smoked fish. At plant B, 189 samples of unprocessed fish were investigated. The first examination of unprocessed fish at plant A showed a presence of L. monocytogenes and L. spp. in 81% and 19% of the samples respectively. For cold-smoked fish the figures were 43% and 23%. At plant B, L. monocytogenes was isolated in 63% of the samples. During the test period, management at the processing plant initiated various hygiene precautions to improve the sanitary situation. The last batch of analyses of unprocessed fish at plant A showed a presence of L. monocytogenes and L. spp. in 42% and. 33% of the samples respectively. For cold-smoked fish, the figures were 6% and 11%. The isolation figures at plant B for L. monocytogenes and L. spp. were 50% and 17% respectively. The hygienic precautions did not have a significant effect on the presence of L. monocytogenes and L. spp. We suggest that Listeria bacteria are a part of the resident flora and are not eliminated by current cleaning and sanitation programmes. Cold-smoking, however, gave a significant reduction in the isolation of L. monocytogenes (P=0.0082), while the isolation of L. spp. did not decrease after this process.
机译:调查了两家加工鲑鱼片和冷熏鲑鱼的工厂在产品和环境中是否存在李斯特菌。进行了为期31周的分析。在工厂A,检查了252个样本,其中97个来自未经加工的鱼,155个来自冷熏鱼。在工厂B,调查了189个未加工鱼的样本。对植物A的未经加工的鱼类进行的首次检查显示存在单核细胞增生李斯特菌和L. spp。分别占样本的81%和19%。对于冷熏鱼,数字分别为43%和23%。在植物B中,单核细胞增生李斯特菌分离出63%的样品。在测试期间,加工厂的管理层启动了各种卫生预防措施,以改善卫生状况。在工厂A进行的最后一批未经加工的鱼类分析显示,存在单核细胞增生李斯特菌和L. spp。在42%和。分别有33%的样本。对于冷熏鱼,数字分别为6%和11%。单核细胞增生李斯特菌和L. spp。在植物B的分离图。分别是50%和17%。卫生预防措施对单核细胞增生李斯特菌和L. spp的存在没有显着影响。我们建议李斯特菌属细菌是常驻菌群的一部分,目前的清洁和卫生计划并未将其消除。然而,抽烟使单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌的分离显着减少(P = 0.0082),而单核增生李斯特菌的分离显着降低。在此过程之后没有减少。



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