首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Cancer =: Journal International du Cancer >Chronic inflammation and risk of colorectal and other obesity-related cancers: The health, aging and body composition study

Chronic inflammation and risk of colorectal and other obesity-related cancers: The health, aging and body composition study


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Evidence of the association between chronic inflammation and the risk of colorectal cancer (CRC) and other obesity-related cancers (OBRC) remains inconsistent, possibly due to a paucity of studies examining repeated measures of inflammation. In the Health ABC prospective study of 2,490 adults aged 70-79 years at baseline, we assessed whether circulating levels of three markers of systemic inflammation, IL-6, CRP and TNF-alpha, were associated with the risk of CRC and OBRC, a cluster including cancers of pancreas, prostate, breast and endometrium. Inflammatory markers were measured in stored fasting blood samples. While only baseline measures of TNF-a were available, IL-6 and CRP were additionally measured at Years 2, 4, 6 and 8. Multivariable Cox models were fit to determine whether tertiles and log-transformed baseline, updated and averaged measures of CRP and IL-6 and baseline measures of TNF-alpha were associated with the risk of incident cancer(s). During a median follow-up of 11.9 years, we observed 55 and 172 cases of CRC and OBRC, respectively. The hazard of CRC in the highest tertile of updated CRP was more than double that in the lowest tertile (HR52.29; 95% CI: 1.08-4.86). No significant associations were seen between colorectal cancer and IL-6 or TNF-a. Additionally, no significant associations were found between obesity-related cancers and the three inflammatory markers overall, but we observed a suggestion of effect modification by BMI and NSAID use. In summary, in this population, higher CRP levels were associated with increased risk of CRC, but not of OBRC. The findings provide new evidence that chronically elevated levels of CRP, as reflected by repeated measures of this marker, may play a role in colorectal carcinogenesis in older adults.
机译:慢性炎症与结直肠癌(CRC)和其他与肥胖相关的癌症(OBRC)风险之间的关联性证据仍然不一致,这可能是由于缺乏研究来检查重复测量炎症的方法所致。在一项健康ABC前瞻性研究中,基线时有2490名70-79岁的成年人,我们评估了循环系统炎症的三种标志物IL-6,CRP和TNF-α的水平是否与CRC和OBRC的风险相关。包括胰腺癌,前列腺癌,乳腺癌和子宫内膜癌。在储存的空腹血样中测量炎症标志物。虽然仅可获得TNF-a的基线量度,但在第2、4、6和8年还测量了IL-6和CRP。多变量Cox模型适合确定三分位数和对数转换的基线,CRP的更新量和平均量IL-6和TNF-α的基线测量值与发生癌症的风险有关。在11.9年的中位随访期间,我们分别观察到55例和172例CRC和OBRC病例。更新后的CRP的最高三分位数中的CRC风险是最低三分位数中的CRC危险的两倍以上(HR52.29; 95%CI:1.08-4.86)。在大肠癌和IL-6或TNF-α之间未发现显着关联。另外,在肥胖相关的癌症与三种炎症标记物之间没有发现显着的关联,但是我们观察到通过BMI和NSAID的使用可以改善疗效。总之,在该人群中,较高的CRP水平与CRC风险增加有关,而与OBRC无关。这些发现提供了新的证据,表明CRP的长期升高(由该标记的重复测量所反映)可能在老年人的结直肠癌发生中起作用。



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