首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Biomedical Science >The Effect of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 on the Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell to Erythroid Lineage in Serum Free and Serum Supplemented Media

The Effect of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 on the Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell to Erythroid Lineage in Serum Free and Serum Supplemented Media


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This study was done to compare the effects of bone morphogenetic protein-4 (BMP-4) on mouse embry-onic stem cells (ESC) differentiation to erythroid lineage in serum free and serum supplemented media.The embryoid bodies (EBs) cells were seeded in semisolid serum free and serum supplemented media in thepresence of different concentrations of BMP-4. The erythroid colonies were assessed morphologically, ultra-structurally and by benzidine staining. The expression of the epsilon (e), 3H1 and 13major globins, Runxl and02m genes was evaluated by Real time PCR. The colony size and the percent of benzidine-positive coloniesincreased in both BMP-4 supplementd groups but the number of colonies were lower in these groups thancontrol. Erythropoiesis related genes were expressed in both serum free and serum supplemented groups.There were not significant differences between the ratios of genes expression to Inm in these groups exceptthe ratio of Runxl was significantly higher in serum free group (P<0.05). The ratio of E and 13111 to inm inEBs was higher than both BMP-4 containing groups (P<0.05) and (major was not expressed in EB cells.These findings showed in serum free condition the effects of BMP-4 on the erythroid differentiation wasprominent than serum supplemented group. (Int Biomed Sci 2009; 5(3):275-282)
机译:本研究旨在比较骨形态发生蛋白4(BMP-4)对无血清和补充血清的小鼠胚胎干细胞(ESC)分化为类红细胞谱系的影响。播种了胚状体(EBs)细胞在半固体无血清和血清补充培养基中存在不同浓度的BMP-4。通过形态学,超结构性和联苯胺染色评估红系菌落。通过实时PCR评估ε(e),3H1和13种主要球蛋白,Runx1和02m基因的表达。在两个补充BMP-4的组中,菌落的大小和联苯胺阳性菌落的百分比均增加,但这些组的菌落数均低于对照组。无血清组和补充血清组均表达红细胞生成相关基因。除了Runxl的比率在无血清组中显着较高外,这些组中的基因表达与Inm的比率之间无显着差异(P <0.05)。 E和13111与inm的比率高于含BMP-4的组(P <0.05)和(主要在EB细胞中不表达)。比血清补充剂组显着(Int Biomed Sci 2009; 5(3):275-282)



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