首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics >Bayesian Spatial Modeling and Mapping of Dengue Fever: A Case Study of Dengue Feverin the City of Bandung, Indonesia

Bayesian Spatial Modeling and Mapping of Dengue Fever: A Case Study of Dengue Feverin the City of Bandung, Indonesia


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Dengue Fever (DF) is an acute febrile disease caused by the dengue virus which is transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito. The World Health Organization (2009) noted that Asia has the highest incidence of dengue fever in the world and Indonesia is at the top of the list of the Southeast Asian countries having the highest dengue fever cases. Modeling and mapping of the spread of dengue fever are needed to monitor endemic regions. The modeling and mapping will eventually form the basis for the preventive actions taken to overcome the spread of the disease. The most common approach for disease modeling and mapping, i.e. the spatial one, is based on a log-linear relationship between the relative risk and the local variation without taking covariates into account. However, ignoring covariates results in bias and unreliable estimates of the relative risk. Being a spatial approach, there is a local variation of the relative risk of this model influenced by the environmental factors, such as climates and human behavior, while on the other hand, the general assumption in spatial modeling is stationarity of the mean and covariance. Stationarity assumption of the mean implies the associations between the relative risk and a set of covariates which is constant over regions. In actuality, the relative risk modeling usually violates the stationarity assumption because there are the spatial dependencies and unobserved factors that influence the relative risk. Non-stationarity of the mean can be accommodated by using a Spatially Varying Coefficients (SVC) model. The Generalized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) is proposed as well and Bayesian inference with Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA) is applied to construct the SVC and compare with Fixed Coefficient model (FCM) or the global model. The SVC model generated is finally applied to dengue fever incidence in the city of Bandung, Indonesia. The covariates included in the model are population density, larva-free home index, healthy housing index and rainfall. The Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) is applied for the model selection. Based on the application of the DIC, it was found out that the SVC model results in a better estimation of the relative risk than the FCM, with DIC = 266.24. The research shows that the percentage of larva-free home index becomes the dominant effect on the relative risk and it is almost constant over regions. The dengue fever map is finally constructed from the posterior means of the relative risk. The resulting map can be used to guide disease spread assessment and to set up mitigation strategies, including those related to health impact.
机译:登革热(DF)是由伊蚊埃及传播的登革热病毒引起的急性发热性疾病。世界卫生组织(2009年)指出,亚洲是世界上登革热发病率最高的国家,印度尼西亚是登革热病例最高的东南亚国家之一。需要对登革热传播进行建模和制图,以监测流行地区。建模和绘图最终将构成采取预防措施以克服疾病传播的基础。用于疾病建模和制图的最常见方法,即空间方法,是基于相对风险和局部变化之间的对数线性关系,而没有考虑协变量。但是,忽略协变量会导致偏差和相对风险的不可靠估计。作为一种空间方法,该模型的相对风险存在局部变化,其受环境因素(例如气候和人类行为)的影响,而另一方面,空间建模的一般假设是均值和协方差的平稳性。均值的平稳性假设意味着相对风险与一组协变量之间的关联,该协变量在区域中是恒定的。实际上,相对风险建模通常违反平稳性假设,因为存在空间依赖性和影响相对风险的不可观察因素。均值的非平稳性可以通过使用空间变化系数(SVC)模型来解决。提出了广义线性混合模型(GLMM),并采用带集成嵌套拉普拉斯逼近的贝叶斯推断(INLA)构造SVC,并与固定系数模型(FCM)或全局模型进行比较。最终生成的SVC模型最终应用于印度尼西亚万隆市的登革热发病率。模型中包含的协变量是人口密度,无幼虫家庭指数,健康住房指数和降雨。偏差信息标准(DIC)用于模型选择。基于DIC的应用,发现SVC模型比FCM更好地估计相对风险,DIC = 266.24。研究表明,幼虫无家可归指数的百分比成为相对风险的主要影响因素,并且在整个地区几乎都是恒定的。登革热地图最终是根据相对危险度的后验方法构建的。生成的地图可用于指导疾病传播评估和设置缓解策略,包括与健康影响有关的策略。



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