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Nappy changing and nurse training: a balancing act.


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Still there remains a balancing act with reading Cochrane reviews and changing nappies-it's astonishing how much a small interruption knocks the momentum of studying-and the rare free minutes get rapidly taken up with the million other distractions of modern life. Meals need to be cooked and floors swept regardless of deadlines and I'm thankful that we're able to take advantage of paternity and maternity leave in this country; some American friends of ours are put off having children because the mother would only get a couple of weeks off before having to hand the child over to a nanny or nursery. My wife would be the first to say that maternity leave is very different to having 9 months of holiday, but it really took the pressure off knowing that . our baby was being cared for at home, and I was in the lucky position of being able to spend several hours a day studying before taking over the paternal role in the evening.



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