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Involvement of Fenton reaction in DDT degradation by brown-rot fungi.


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In this study, the ability of the brown-rot fungi (BRF) Fomitopsis pinicola and Daedalea dickinsii to degrade DDT (1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis (4-chlorophenyl) ethane) was investigated. F. pinicola and D. dickinsii degraded approximately 63% and 47% of total DDT in potato dextrose broth (PDB) medium, respectively. Degradation of DDT by D. dickinsii resulted in several metabolic products; DDD (1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis (4-chlorophenyl) ethane), DDE (1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis (4-chlorophenyl) ethylene), and DDMU (1-chloro-2,2-bis (4-chlorophenyl) ethylene), whereas degradation by F. pinicola produced only one metabolic product, DDD. Investigation was done to find out whether the Fenton reaction was involved in the degradation process. More DDT was degraded in medium lacking FeSO4 than in that containing FeSO4, suggesting that these fungi lack the benzoquinone-driven Fenton reaction cycle system. In addition, F. pinicola and D. dickinsii produced only very low levels of hydroxyl radicals (1.2 and 5.1 micro M, respectively), which provides further evidence that these fungi lack the Fenton reaction cycle system. The addition of mannitol as a hydroxyl radical scavenger did not inhibit DDT degradation. Hydroxyl radical production increased when the medium was supplemented with Fe2+. Higher levels of hydroxyl radicals enhanced DDT degradation by D. dickinsii, but not by F. pinicola. These results indicate that F. pinicola and D. dickinsii have different mechanisms for degrading DDT from that reported for the BRF Gloeophyllum trabeum, in which the Fenton reaction is an important factor in DDT degradation.
机译:在这项研究中,褐腐真菌(FRF)和 Daedalea dickinsii 的腐烂真菌降解DDT(1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-研究了双(4-氯苯基)乙烷。 F。 pinicola 和 D。在马铃薯葡萄糖肉汤(PDB)培养基中,dickinsii分别降解了约63%的DDT和47%的DDT。 DDT使DDT降解。 dickinsii 产生了几种代谢产物; DDD(1,1-二氯-2,2-双(4-氯苯基)乙烷),DDE(1,1-二氯-2,2-双(4-氯苯基)乙烯)和DDMU(1-氯-2 ,2-双(4-氯苯基)乙烯),而通过i F降解。 pinicola 仅产生一种代谢产物DDD。进行了调查以发现Fenton反应是否参与了降解过程。缺少FeSO 4 的培养基中降解的DDT比含有FeSO 4 的培养基中的降解更多,这表明这些真菌缺乏苯醌驱动的Fenton反应循环系统。此外, F。 pinicola 和 D。 dickinsii 仅产生非常低水平的羟基自由基(分别为1.2和5.1 micro M),这进一步证明这些真菌缺乏Fenton反应循环系统。加入甘露醇作为羟基自由基清除剂不会抑制DDT降解。当培养基中添加Fe 2 + 时,羟自由基的产生增加。更高水平的羟基自由基增强了DDT的DDT降解。 dickinsii ,但不是 F。皮尼科拉。这些结果表明 F。 pinicola 和 D。 dickinsii 与报道的BRF Gloeophyllum trabeum 具有不同的降解DDT的机制,其中Fenton反应是DDT降解的重要因素。



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