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Congenital pyloric obstruction in a calf


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A 5 days old female crossbred calf presented with the major complaint of not passing meconium since birth. Calf was not suckling and owner did bottle milk feeding. The animal was severely dehydrated (as noted by absence of elasticity of skin) weak,emaciated, anaemic and was showing staggering gait with fast and shallow pulse, and slow and shallow respiration. Blood sample was collected for haematological examination. To rule out the atresia rectii or coli, retrograde barium sulphate enema (40 percent w/v) was given @ 10ml/kg and serial radiographs (73 kvp, 16mAS and 90 FFD) were taken at intervals of 30 and 60 minutes. Then barium meal was administered orally through oesophageal tube to examine the degree of transport in upper gastrointestinal tract. Contrast radiography, at intervals of 30 and 60 minutes, following barium sulphate enema (40 percent w/v) showed a patency of colon and rectum while barium meal did not pass but accumulated in abomasum even after 60 minutes post-administration. Hence the case was diagnosed as pyloric obstruction and decided to operate, but the condition of animal deteriorated and died, pre-operatively. Postmortem examination revealed empty and collapsed intestinal loops. Abomasum was full of liquid contents and pylorus was completely obstructed by the hypertrophy of mucosal folds.
机译:一只5天大的雌性杂种小牛表现出自出生以来未通过胎粪的主要抱怨。小牛不哺乳,主人进行瓶装奶喂养。动物严重脱水(如缺乏皮肤弹性所致),虚弱,消瘦,贫血,步态蹒跚,脉搏快而浅,呼吸慢而浅。收集血液样本进行血液学检查。为了排除直肠闭锁或大肠闭锁,以10ml / kg的剂量倒灌硫酸钡灌肠剂(40%w / v),并在30分钟和60分钟的间隔内进行连续X线摄片(73 kvp,16mAS和90 FFD)。然后通过食道管口服钡餐以检查上消化道的运输程度。硫酸钡灌肠(40%w / v)后,在30和60分钟的间隔进行放射线照相,显示结肠和直肠通畅,而钡餐未通过但在给药后60分钟后仍积聚在反胃中。因此,该病例被诊断为幽门梗阻并决定手术,但术前动物状况恶化并死亡。验尸后发现肠道空虚和塌陷。厌氧菌充满液体,幽门被黏膜皱褶肥大完全阻塞。



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