
Digital Culture versus Change


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The study of digital culture is a multi-disciplinary field that spans many different methodologies, frameworks and philosophies that explore the relationship between culture and technology. The following is a discourse in digital culture research using the philosophy of scientific revolution (Thomas S. Kuhn) as a key source for understanding the current state of the emerging field. Electronic technology that developed out of the 20th century enabled the cultural prevalence of mass media, in the form of cinema and television and later digital media which provides cultural researchers and philosophers complex new frontiers to explore. Marshall McLuhan in The Gutenberg Galaxy1 and Martin Heidegger in The Question Concerning Technology discuss the idea of media and technology as an extension of mankind that creates new capacity and influence, both intended and unintended, and have sought to understand them in a cultural as well as philosophical context. A core philosophical problem of technology is that, much as language transforms the world, so do the extensions of man, resulting in a change of meaning. Ernst Cassirer saw technology as an attempt at making sense of the world through symbolism and creating meaning through spontaneous action. In the digital context, this changing of meaning is profound and reaches far into everyday life from the creation of online communities to digital identities that function as citizens of the global village, effectively changing the way we identity with ourselves and the world around us. As McLuhan predicted, the digital age has brought about electronic interdependence and a change in cognitive and social organization including the transformation of media structures, modes of communication and identity narratives. It is in this background that the discourse below will anchor its arguments on as the concept of digital culture evolves.
机译:数字文化研究是一个多学科领域,涵盖了许多探索文化与技术之间关系的不同方法,框架和哲学。以下是关于数字文化研究的论述,其中以科学革命的哲学思想(Thomas S. Kuhn)作为理解新兴领域现状的重要来源。 20世纪发展起来的电子技术使大众传媒在电影,电视和后来的数字媒体中得以普及,从而为文化研究者和哲学家提供了复杂的新前沿领域。 《古腾堡银河1》中的马歇尔·麦克卢汉(Marshall McLuhan)和《技术问题》中的马丁·海德格尔(Martin Heidegger)讨论了媒体和技术作为人类的延伸的思想,它创造了有意和无意的新能力和影响力,并试图从文化以及哲学背景。技术的一个核心哲学问题是,就像语言在改变世界一样,人的延伸也在如此,从而导致了意义的改变。恩斯特·卡西尔(Ernst Cassirer)将技术视为通过象征主义来理解世界并通过自发行动创造意义的尝试。在数字环境中,这种意义深远的变化是深远的,从创建在线社区到充当全球村民的数字身份,已深入到日常生活中,有效地改变了我们对自己和周围世界的身份认同方式。正如麦克卢汉(McLuhan)所预言的那样,数字时代带来了电子相互依赖以及认知和社会组织的变化,包括媒体结构,沟通方式和身份叙事的转变。正是在这种背景下,随着数字文化概念的发展,下面的论述将成为其争论的焦点。



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