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High infant birth weight linked to increased breast cancer risk for mothers


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Mothers who give birth to infants with a high birth weight are at an increased risk of developing breast cancer according to research from the University of Texas "Medical Branch (TX, USA). The research, published on PLoS One, also suggests that having a large infant is associated with a hormonal environment during pregnancy favoring future breast cancer development and progression. Previous studies have shown the association between a woman's risk of breast cancer in later life and her infant's birth weight. This study set out to determine whether this association is independent of breast cancer risk factors, the mother's own birth weight and hormonal environment during pregnancy - factors that could have implications for the prediction and prevention of breast cancer.
机译:根据德克萨斯大学“医学分校”(美国德克萨斯州)的研究,生育高体重婴儿的母亲患乳腺癌的风险增加。该研究发表在《公共科学图书馆·世界科学》(PLoS One)上。大婴儿与妊娠期间的激素环境相关,有利于未来乳腺癌的发展和发展,以前的研究表明,妇女晚年罹患乳腺癌的风险与婴儿的出生体重之间存在相关性。与乳腺癌的危险因素,母亲自身的出生体重和怀孕期间的激素环境无关,这些因素可能对乳腺癌的预测和预防产生影响。



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