首页> 外文期刊>Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies >Effect of CO2 dissolution on the shelf life of ready-to-eat Octopus vulgaris.

Effect of CO2 dissolution on the shelf life of ready-to-eat Octopus vulgaris.

机译:CO 2 的溶解对即食型八达通的保存期限的影响。

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Due to the increasing commercial importance of octopus (Octopus vulgaris) and the growing demand for convenient and ready-to-eat products, soluble gas solubilisation (SGS), a relatively recent methodology of active packaging proposed to extend the shelf life of packaged fish, was tested. The effect on cooked octopus of CO2 dissolution applied in a 2 bar saturated atmosphere for 30 min was followed by sensory, microbiological and physical/chemical quality parameters of vacuum packed products during chilled (3 degrees C +or- 0.5 degrees C) and abuse temperature (24 degrees C +or- 0.5 degrees C) storage for 28 days and 48 h, respectively. The SGS pre-treatment of cooked octopus with CO2 had a positive effect on the delay of the microbial growth during chilled storage. On the other hand, during the acceptability period TMA-N and TVB-N showed similar changes during storage period and were not affected by the CO2 treatment. Oxidation of cooked octopus did not appear to be a significant problem during chilled storage. Sensory shelf life was estimated as 10 days and 12 h in chilled and abuse temperature storage, respectively and no significant extension was visible as a function of SGS treatment. Though not enough per se to increase the shelf life of cooked octopus, the use of SGS by the food industry as a hurdle technology component with bacteriostatic effect is a valuable tool to allow an effective extension of the period of use-by date. Industrial relevance: Common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) is a highly appreciated marine species which requires at home a cooking step that entails some expertise, in order to attain the correct sensory quality, namely suitable tenderness. Supply of ready-to-eat products that offer healthy, tasty and fast meal solutions and that solves the problem of home preparation of octopus is of particular industrial relevance and stresses the need for new ways of marketing this species, other than in the fresh state. The current study aimed to develop a new seafood product that can be introduced in the market as fresh cooked octopus in a convenient package under vacuum, either as a ready-made meal or as a ready-to-be used product, to be further processed in more elaborated food preparations. To our knowledge no such product exists in the market and this is the first study dedicated to the evaluation of the shelf life of such a product and to a new active packaging technology that can extend the use-by date. Though not enough per se to increase the shelf life of cooked octopus, it is demonstrated that utilisation of CO2 by the food industry, as a hurdle technology component with bacteriostatic effect under the conditions proposed, is a valuable tool to allow an effective extension of the period of use-by date
机译:由于章鱼的商业重要性日益提高,对方便即食产品的需求不断增长,可溶性气体增溶(SGS)是一种相对较新的活性包装方法,提出将其扩展测试了包装鱼的货架期。在2 bar饱和气氛中施加30分钟对CO 2 溶解的煮熟章鱼的影响,然后是冷藏(3°C +或以下)时真空包装产品的感官,微生物和物理/化学质量参数-0.5摄氏度)和滥用温度(24摄氏度+或-0.5摄氏度)分别存储28天和48小时。 CO 2 对章鱼的SGS预处理对冷藏过程中微生物的生长延迟有积极作用。另一方面,在可接受期内,TMA-N和TVB-N在储存期间显示出相似的变化,并且不受CO 2 处理的影响。在冷藏过程中,煮熟的章鱼的氧化似乎不是一个重大问题。冷藏和滥用温度下的感官保质期分别估计为10天和12小时,并且SGS处理的功能没有明显的延长。尽管本身不足以延长章鱼的保质期,但食品工业将SGS用作具有抑菌作用的障碍技术成分是有效延长保质期的宝贵工具。使用日期。工业相关性:普通章鱼( Octopus vulgaris )是备受赞赏的海洋物种,需要在家中进行一些烹饪步骤,并需要一些专业知识,才能获得正确的感官质量,即适当的嫩度。提供即食食品,提供健康,美味和快速的餐食解决方案,并解决章鱼的家庭准备问题,在工业上具有特殊意义,并强调除了新鲜状态外,还需要采用新的方式销售该物种。当前的研究目的是开发一种新的海鲜产品,可以将其作为新鲜的八达通以真空包装的形式方便地包装在市场上,以即食食品或即食产品的形式进行进一步加工。在更精细的食物准备中。据我们所知,市场上尚无此类产品,这是第一个致力于评估此类产品的保质期和可延长使用期限的新型主动包装技术的研究。尽管其本身不足以延长章鱼的保质期,但事实证明,食品工业利用CO 2 作为提出条件下具有抑菌作用的跨栏技术成分是有价值的有效延长使用期限的工具



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