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Impact of organic manure and chemical fertilizers on artemisinin content and yield in Artemisia annua L.


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Artemisinin isolated from the aerial parts of Artemisia annua L. is a promising and potent antimalarial drug. It posses remarkable activity against both chloroquinine resistant as well as chloroquinine sensitive strains of Plasmodium falciparum. It is also useful in the treatment of cerebral malaria. The relatively low content of artemisinin in A. annua and unavailability of cost effective and viable synthetic protocol however, are major obstacles to the commercial production of the drug. The enhanced production of artemisinin is hence, highly desirable, which can be achieved by adequate and judicious supply of plant nutrients. The present experiment was therefore, designed to study the effect of organic manure (15 tonnes ha-1) and chemical fertilizers (N40+40, P40, K40, S15+15 kg ha-1; nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur) on the accumulation of artemisinin and biomass in various plant parts through the developmental stages of A. annua L. Artemisinin yield (kg ha-1) was also determined through the developmental stages of A. annua L. Artemisinin content and artemisinin yield of dried leaves were increased significantly at pre-flowering stage in the plants treated with NPKS (27.3% and 53.6%) and NPK (18.2% and 33.5%), respectively, when compared with control. Maximum dry yield of leaf ranging from 2596 to 3141 kg ha-1 was observed at pre-flowering stage with various treatments.
机译:从青蒿的地上部分中分离出的青蒿素是一种很有前途的有效抗疟药。它对抗氯奎宁和对氯奎宁敏感的恶性疟原虫菌株具有显着活性。它也可用于治疗脑疟疾。青蒿素在A中含量相对较低。然而,缺乏年金和成本效益高且可行的合成方案是该药物商业化生产的主要障碍。因此,非常需要提高青蒿素的产量,这可以通过适当和明智地供应植物营养素来实现。因此,本实验旨在研究有机肥料(15吨ha -1 )和化肥(N 40 + 40 ,P 40 < / sub>,K 40 ,S 15 + 15 kg ha -1 ;氮,磷,钾和硫)对青蒿素积累的影响在A的发育阶段,植物各个部位的生物量和生物量。还通过 A的发育阶段确定了青蒿的青蒿素产量(kg ha -1 )。相比之下,NPKS(27.3%和53.6%)和NPK(18.2%和33.5%)处理的植物在开花前期的干叶青蒿素含量和青蒿素产量显着增加。与控制。在不同的处理条件下,开花前的叶片最大干燥产量为2596至3141 kg ha -1



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