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When the .Queen was Majestic


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In this part of the feature, when a few person dared to venture this business, the method of processing tea used to be practised in those early years, has been narrated in deail. While telling this interesting tale, Lt. Col. Hannangan has also unveiled a picture of the years before the advent of railways in India, when convoys of bullock carts had to be employed to despatch goods from one place to another. And, as obvious, Mr. G.W. Christ/son and Mr. J. A. Wernicke have again been remembered who shared the honour of being the first of the early pioneers to prove that tea gardens in the hills could be remunerative.
机译:在此功能的这一部分中,当一些人不敢冒险创业时,已经叙述了早年早些时候习惯的茶加工方法。汉南甘中校在讲述这个有趣的故事的同时,还揭露了印度铁路出现之前的几年的照片,当时必须雇用牛车来将货物从一个地方运送到另一个地方。而且,很明显,G.W。先生再次记住了克里斯/儿子和J. A.韦尼克先生,他们有幸成为最早的先驱者,以证明山上的茶园可以带来丰厚的回报。



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