首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Weed Science >Evaluation of pre-emergence herbicides and soil solarization for weed management in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.).

Evaluation of pre-emergence herbicides and soil solarization for weed management in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.).

机译:评价出芽前除草剂和土壤日光化对茄子中的杂草处理的影响(Solanum melongena L.)。

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A field experiment was conducted during the summer seasons (December-January to April-May) of 1998-99 and 1999-2000, to study the relative efficacy of four pre-emergence herbicides and soil solarization treatment in reducing weed infestation and in enhancing the yield of brinjal. Season-long crop-weed competition reduced the yield of brinjal by 51 and 49% during 1998-99 and 1999-2000, respectively. Soil solarization for one month registered the highest fruit yield during both the years (18.92 and 18.12 t/ha, respectively). The pre-emergence herbicides alachlor (2.0 and 2.5 kg a. i./ha), oxadiazon (0.5 and 0.75 kg a. i./ha) and pendimethalin (2.0 kg a. i./ha) and hand weeding twice treatments recorded fruit yields comparable to that of soil solarization. As far as weed dry weight is concerned, alachlor (2.0 and 2.5 kg a. i./ha) recorded excellent weed control comparable to weed free check at 30 and 60 DAT.
机译:在1998-99年和1999-2000年的夏季(12月至1月至4月至5月)进行了田间试验,研究了四种出苗前除草剂和土壤日光化处理在减少杂草侵染和增强土壤除草效果方面的相对功效。茄子的产量。在1998-99年和1999-2000年期间,为时整季的作物杂草竞争使茄子的产量分别减少了51%和49%。在两个年度中,土壤日光照射一个月的果实产量最高(分别为18.92和18.12吨/公顷)。出苗前除草剂除草剂甲草胺(2.0和2.5千克活性成分/公顷),草二唑(0.5和0.75千克活性成分/公顷)和二甲戊灵(2.0千克活性成分/公顷)和手工除草两次处理,记录的水果产量可与土壤日晒作用相媲美。就杂草干重而言,甲草胺(2.0和2.5千克a。i./ha)记录的杂草控制效果极好,相当于在DAT 30和60时免除杂草。



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