首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Plant Protection >Seedborne Fungi Intercepted During Quarantine Processing of Exotic Crop Germplasm in 2005 - '06

Seedborne Fungi Intercepted During Quarantine Processing of Exotic Crop Germplasm in 2005 - '06


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During 2005 - '06, a total of 18, 572 germplasm samples of different agri - horticultural crops was imported from different countries. Routine and sensitive detection methods 'were employed to detect exotic seedborne fungi and release pest-free germplasm to the indentors. Seventeen genera with 29 species of seed-home fungi were intercepted, out of which 15 species were plant pathogenic. Drechslera maydis on maize from Philippines and Thailand, Ascochyta rabiei on chickpea from USA, Botrytis cinerea on wild safflower from Germany, Colletotrichum graminicola on sorghum from Niger, Mycosphaerella pinodes on chickpea from USA and Rhizoctonia bataticola on groundnut from Japan were important interceptions. D. maydis is- the only intercepted pathogen listed in Plant Quarantine Order, 2003. Significance of the other interceptions is discussed.
机译:在2005年-06年期间,从不同国家/地区总共进口了18种572种不同农业园艺作物的种质样品。常规和灵敏的检测方法被用来检测外来的种子传播真菌,并将无害虫的种质释放给压头。截获了17个属的29种种子-家庭真菌,其中15种是植物致病性的。重要拦截是来自菲律宾和泰国的玉米上的Drechslera maydis,来自美国的鹰嘴豆上的Ascochyta rabiei,来自德国的野生红花的灰葡萄孢,来自尼日尔的高粱上的Colletotrichum graminicola,来自美国的鹰嘴豆上的Mycosphaerella pinode和来自日本的花生上的鼠李根。 D. maydis是-2003年植物检疫令中列出的唯一被截获的病原体。讨论了其他截获的意义。



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